This class was created by Brainscape user Revision Monkey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Human body MTA
What are living things made up of...,
What is the definition of a tissue,
Order the following terms from sm...
50  cards
Human body ETT
Name the two nutrients that provi...,
Name the nutrient that s needed f...,
Name the two nutrients that are n...
85  cards
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures MTA
What is the name of group 1 elements,
What is the name of group 7 elements,
What is the name of group 0 elements
25  cards
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures ETT
What is the name of group 1 elements,
What is the name of group 7 elements,
What is the name of group 0 elements
56  cards
Light and Sound MTA
Light and Sound Mid Topic Assessment
33  cards
Light and Sound ETT
How does increasing a sound waves...,
What is wavelength,
What is frequency measured in
66  cards
Metals and Materials MTA
Zinc hydrochloric acid,
Name some properties of metals,
Magnesium hydrochloric acid
25  cards
Metals and Materials ETT
Zinc hydrochloric acid,
Name some properties of metals,
Magnesium hydrochloric acid
31  cards
Inheritance and Health MTA
Name two medicinal drugs,
Name two legal recreational drugs,
Name two illegal recreational drugs
24  cards
Inheritance and Health ETT
Name two medicinal drugs,
Name two legal recreational drugs,
Name two illegal recreational drugs
42  cards
Electricity and Magnetism MTA
What is the circuit symbol for an...,
What is the circuit symbol for a ...,
What is the circuit symbol for a ...
32  cards
Electricity and Magnetism ETT
What is the circuit symbol for an...,
What is the circuit symbol for a ...,
What is the circuit symbol for a ...
45  cards

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year 8

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

We use an adaptive study algorithm that is proven to help you learn faster and remember longer....

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