This class was created by Brainscape user Sanjana Shaunak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Resus and Fluid prescribing
What are indications for iv fluids,
How would you assess a patient to...,
Ar some reasons why a patient may...
12  cards
Traumatic brain injury
What is traumatic brain injury,
What type of trauma can cause tra...,
According to the who how do you c...
25  cards
A-E assessment
How to assess airway in pt cannot...,
What are some causes of airway co...,
What should you do if you see air...
89  cards
Acute trauma
Taken from litflwhat are the 5 ke...,
Taken from litflwhat does airway ...,
Taken from litflwhy may a major t...
45  cards
Shock and acute haemorrhage
What are the types of shock,
What is shock,
What can cause hypovolaemic shock
45  cards
Acute psychiatric assessment
What are some organic causes of a...,
Delirium can occur at any age but...,
What are causes of an acute confu...
43  cards
A patient with a potential poison...,
In a patient presenting with pois...,
What are general features of carb...
49  cards
Acute chest pain and SOB
Ddx for chest pain,
How to take a chest pain,
What encompasses acs
72  cards
Acutely ill child Paediatric emergencies - ox handbook of emergency medicine
43  cards
Pt presents with a burn what is y...,
What are serious burns that need ...,
How to assess the extent of the burn
22  cards
Other Learning Bits from ILOS when ARing
What are the nice guidelines for ...,
Ar glasgow coma scale
2  cards

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year 5 ed

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