This class was created by Brainscape user Dakshita Agrawal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Case 1 - ACS
What is typical angina,
What is atypical angina,
Risk factors of cad
50  cards
Case 2 - Asthma
What are the 3 major characterist...,
What is the difference between at...,
Which immunoglobulin is associate...
40  cards
Case 3 - HPB
What is considered as alcohol excess,
What are the alcohol withdrawal s...,
What symptoms are considered in d...
87  cards
Case 4 - Headaches
What are the 2 main types of head...,
What are the 3 types of primary h...,
What is the site of tension headache
89  cards
Case 5 - Diabetes
What are the different types of d...,
What is mody,
What is lada
63  cards
Case 6 - Clotting Disorders
What are the disorders of the pri...,
What are the disorders of the sec...,
What is the prothrommbin time whi...
63  cards
Case 7 - Thyroid Disease
What are the causes of primary hy...,
What are the causes of secondary ...,
What is de quervains subacute thy...
64  cards
Case 8 - Hypertension
What is classified as hypertension,
What are the different types of h...,
What are the causes of primary hy...
63  cards
Case 9 - Congestive Heart Failure
What is the has bled score,
What is stroke volume,
What is ejection fraction
54  cards
Case 10 - COPD
What is copd,
What 2 diseases is copd made up of,
What is chronic bronchitis what a...
55  cards
Case 11 - Anaemia
What is anaemia,
What determines if anaemia is mic...,
What is microcytic anaemia what i...
79  cards
Case 12 - Pneumonia + TB
How is pneumonia transmitted,
What is community acquired pneumo...,
What is hospital acquired pneumonia
71  cards
Case 13 - AKI
What are the risk factor for sepsis,
What are the symptoms of sepsis,
What investigations are carried o...
46  cards
Case 14 - Urological Disease
What is included in lower uti,
What is included in upper uti,
What are the risk factors of uti
66  cards
ECG + arrhythmias
Inferior leads on ecg,
Lateral leads on ecg,
Septal leads on ecg
13  cards
Heart murmurs
Systolic murmurs,
Diastolic murmurs,
How is a murmur graded
19  cards
Other notes
What is pulmonary fibrosis,
What type of lung disease is pulm...,
What are the causes of upper zone...
62  cards

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year 3 - tcd

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