This class was created by Brainscape user Marley M. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Theories - Functionalism
Overview of functionalism,
Durkheim s views,
Durkheim society s changes
14  cards
Theories - Functionalism key words
Organic analogy,
Collective conscience,
Complex divison of labour
9  cards
Theories - Marxism
Classical marxism,
Classical marxism,
The base and superstructure
20  cards
Theories - Marxism key words
Class consciousness
7  cards
Theories - Feminism
Feminism statistics,
Liberal feminism,
Ann oakley
21  cards
Theories - Symbolic Interactionism
Mead taking the role of the other,
Blumer 1900 87 developing mead s ...
13  cards
Theories - modernity, globalisation & postmodernity
Modern society feature 1 nation s...,
Modern society feature
10  cards
Theories - Social policy
Marxism on social policy,
Marxism how policies affect society,
Marxist view on social policy eval
15  cards
Beliefs - theories of religion
What are the 3 ways to define rel...,
What is substantive religion weber,
Whats the functional defenition o...
43  cards
beliefs - religion and social change
What are the roles of religion in...,
Religion as a conservative force ...,
Religion as a conservative force ...
16  cards
Beliefs - Securlarisation
What s secularisation,
What is religiosity,
Secular society
29  cards
Beliefs - Fundamentalism & Cosmopolitanism
Fundamentalism characteristicm au...
11  cards
Beliefs - Religion in a global context
0  cards
Beliefs - global development
0  cards
Beliefs - Religion and social groups
Gender statistics of religion and...,
Gender risk socialisation and gen...,
Gender risk socialisation and gen...
18  cards
Beliefs - Organisations, movements and members
Church defining features,
Denominations defining features,
What s a sect
32  cards
Beliefs - Ideology and science
Karl popper open belief system,
Merton open belief system,
Merton cudos norms
18  cards
Crime - functionalist theories of crime
Whats crime,
Whats deviance,
What are the types of social cons...
30  cards
Crime - interactionist theories of crime
What do interactionists say about...,
Whats does becker say about label...,
What example does becker use for ...
24  cards
Crime - Marxist theories of crime
What do traditional marxists beli...,
Trad how is capitalism criminogenic,
Trad what are overall evaluations...
16  cards
Crime - Right Realist theories of crime
What do right realists believe ab...,
Why do people commit crime biolog...,
Whats an example of biological fa...
17  cards
Crime - Left Realist theories of crime
What do left realists believe abo...,
Why do people commit crime relati...,
Whats the paradox between increas...
17  cards
Crime - Gender & crime
What are the crime stats by gende...,
What were the crime with the high...,
Whats thesis 1 unreported and unn...
24  cards
Crime - ethnicity & crime
How does media impact ethnicity a...,
Whats evidence that the media rei...,
How does media reinforcing stereo...
9  cards
Crime - crime & media
0  cards
crime - globalisation, green crime & state crime
1  cards

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year 2 sociology

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