This class was created by Brainscape user Braden Talbert. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Test 1: SCI
Describe dcml,
Describe spinothalamic tract,
Describe the corticospinal tract
54  cards
Test 1: paraplegia
What is paraplegia,
When to be worried about autonomi...,
Characteristics of a motor comple...
38  cards
Test 1: Lecture 5, SCI in ICU
Facts about icu with neuro pts,
Important things to know about sc...,
Low hemoglobin and hematocrit put...
52  cards
Test 1: Lecture 6, Cauda Equina
What is cauda equina syndrome,
Hallmarks of ces,
Types of ces presentation
18  cards
Test 1: Lecture 7, seating and mobility
3 postural tendencies,
Proper posture is important to pr...,
Proper posture is important to al...
43  cards
Test 1: Bracing
Kafo vs hkafo vs rgo,
Factors to consider with orthotic rx,
When to use kafo
23  cards
Test 1: Bowel, Bladder, and Sexual Function
Types of bladder management strat...,
Bladder management lmn vs umn,
Bladder complications
34  cards
Test 1: ALS
What is als,
2 als classifications,
Onset types of als
49  cards
Test 1: Huntington's Disease
What is huntingtons,
What happens at the basal ganglia...,
S s of hd
17  cards
Test 2: Parkinson's
How many people are affected by p...,
Average onset age of pd,
Etiology of pd
43  cards
Test 2: PD management
Describe pharm management of pd h...,
Gold standard med for pd and deta...,
When does dyskinesia occur most o...
35  cards
Test 2: LSVT BIG
Parts of the pd cpg utilized with...,
What is lsvt big,
Goals of lsvt big
19  cards
Test 2: Intro to Vestibular Rehab
Purpose of the vestibular system,
Incidence of vestibular dysfunction,
Describe the general anatomy of t...
70  cards
Test 2: vestibulopathies
Describe vestibulopathies,
Types of vestibulopathies,
What is a videonystamography
41  cards
Test 3: Into to Mild TBI
What is a mild tbi vs concussion,
Loc for mild mod and severe tbi,
Pta for mild mod severe tbi
34  cards
Test 3: Concussion Exam and Eval
Red flags to screen for with conc...,
What is baseline testing for conc...,
Describe the immediate post concu...
33  cards
Test 3: Concussion Interventions
Common concussion s s complaints,
Areas of intervention for concussion,
Best practice concussion standard...
30  cards
Test 3: AIDP
What neuro conditions have we lea...,
Incidence of aidp,
Etiology of aidp
14  cards

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year 2: neuromuscular ii

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