year 10 (2022-23)

This class was created by Brainscape user Joana B:B. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Chemistry: First CT
What are the characteristics of s...,
What are he characteristics of li...,
What are the characteristics of g...
17  cards
Computer Science (13.10.22)
What are binary systems,
What is a bit,
How many bits in1 byte
31  cards
Control Lengua (25.10.22)
Que es la narracion,
Cuales son los elementos de la na...,
Que tipos de narradores hay
15  cards
Bio (27.10.22)
What are the characteristics of l...,
What properties do eukaryotic cel...,
What properties do procaryotic ce...
47  cards
CCS: Demografía
Que es la piramide de poblacion,
Demografia mundial cuales son los...,
Demografia mundial cuales son los...
25  cards
History: 1.12.22
Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations
41  cards
Chem (15.12.22)
Description of a proton,
Description of a n,
Description of a nucleus
12  cards
Computer Science (15.12.22)
What are analogue to digital conv...,
What are convertors in sound,
What is sou
50  cards
Bio (19.1.23)
What does corms stand for,
What are carbohydrates,
What are examples of complec carb...
33  cards
Chem (26.1.23)
What are ions,
What are cations,
What are anions
28  cards
Lengua: Literatura (31.1.23)
En que siglo es el mester de jugl...,
Quienes eran los autores del mdj,
Cual es la metrica del mdj
23  cards
CCS: El Antiguo Régimen
Que fue el antiguo regimen,
Cuales son las caracteristicas de...,
Como es la demografia del ar
44  cards
Computer Science (16.2.23)
What is data transmission,
How about the speed of transmission,
What is serial data transmission
22  cards
Physics (9.3.23)
What are waves,
What is a transverese wave,
What are longitudinal waves
29  cards
History (8.3.23)
What were hitler s foreign policy...,
The saar plebiscite 1935,
Consciption and rearment 1935 40
16  cards
Bio (23.3.21)
What is the purpose of respiration,
What type of reaction is respiration,
When does aerobic respiration tak...
21  cards
Chem (23.3.23)
How is a covalent bond formed,
How are the electrostatic attract...,
Why do the melting boiling points...
20  cards
CCS: S. XVIII en España: los 1º Borbones
Quienes fueron los primeros borbones,
Que paso en la guerra de sucesion...,
Cual fue la causa de la guerra
36  cards
History: The USA 1919-41
What was the economic boom,
New industries,
33  cards
Bio Final Exam: big pack
What do all living organisms have...,
What are the subcellular structur...,
117  cards
CCS: La Revolución Francesa
En que anos fue la revolucion fra...,
Quienes eran los reyes de francia...,
Quien fue luis xvi
30  cards
History Final Exam: big pack
What were the outcomes of the fir...,
Aims and motives of the big three...,
What were clemenceau s aims
46  cards
Chem Final Exam: big pack
What are the 3 states of matter,
92  cards
Physics Final Exam: big pack
63  cards

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year 10 (2022-23)

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