This class was created by Brainscape user Pedro Chen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

What is sick euthyroid syndrome,
What are expected renin and aldos...,
What is the mechanism of sitagliptin
113  cards
What are mallory bodies,
Which embryonic structure do mall...,
Risk factors for peptic ulcers
144  cards
What is conduction dysphasia,
What is wernicke s dysphasia,
What is broca s expressive dysphasia
119  cards
What antibody is found in drug in...,
What skin features ard seen in re...,
What are the symptoms of lateral ...
53  cards
Name the rotator cuff muscles,
What scoring system is used to me...,
What is the trama triad of death
10  cards
How do auricular haematomas form ...,
What are risk factors for tonsila...,
What is the most common cause of ...
41  cards
Formative 1
A 68 year old man has a swollen t...,
A 26 year old woman has 12 months...,
A 43 year old woman has a sudden ...
30  cards
What are risk factors for age rel...,
What are the two forms of a,
What is the mangement of primary ...
33  cards
What are signs of right sided hea...,
In which coronary artery do you s...,
In resistant hypertension stage 4...
127  cards
Name causes of restrictive lung d...,
Name causes of obstructive lung d...,
What spirometry results would you...
124  cards
Formative 2
In malaria species which organism...,
A 72 year old woman has 6 months ...,
A 64 year old woman is due to und...
34  cards
When should you refer a possible ...,
What is buerger s disease,
What are some complications of va...
37  cards
Formative 3
A 18 year old woman has 6 hours o...,
A 91 year old woman is admitted f...,
A 28 year old woman returns to th...
34  cards
What are seborrhoeic keratoses,
What is the management for,
What is used first line in hy
57  cards
Oncology & Palliative care
What are features of superior ven...,
What is the management of superio...,
What are the following tumour mar...
18  cards
Infectious Diseases
How long do you take post exposur...,
What does post exposure prophylax...,
How much does post exposure proph...
30  cards
What medication is indicated in ckd,
What is acute,
What is the typical presentation ...
20  cards
What is the duration of abx cours...,
What is the duration of abx cours...,
Do you need to treat catheterised...
61  cards
Which anticoagulants do the follo...,
What is the treatment of acute in...,
What is the presentation of acute...
21  cards
What adjuvant therapy is used in ...,
When is herceptin used in breast ...,
What are the indications for a ma...
26  cards
MSC practice paper 1
A 67 year old man is found to hav...,
A 46 year old man has pain in his...,
A 52 year old man has three days ...
44  cards
Formative 4
A 48 year old man has 1 day of se...,
A 65 year old woman has a week of...,
A 24 year old man develops low ba...
29  cards
MSC practice paper 2
A 60 year old man has increasing ...,
A 65 year old man has had constan...,
The links between deprivation and...
40  cards
MSC practice paper (O&G, Paeds, Psych)
An 18 year old woman is 19 weeks ...,
A 29 year old woman visits her gp...,
A 19 month old girl has been able...
13  cards

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