y4 eq - orthopaedics

This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie Robinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Laminitis – Causes and Consequences
Why is laminitis such an importan...,
Define laminitis,
Describe the anatomy of the hoof
38  cards
Laminitis - diagnosis and treatment
How does laminitis progress in th...,
How can the age of the horse help...,
What information needs to be gath...
32  cards
Foot penetrations and conditions of the hoof wall
List the visible structures on th...,
Hoof cracks usually run in which ...,
What are transverse hoof cracks a...
37  cards
Diagnostic analgesia
Why is diagnostic analgesia impor...,
What do you need to be able to pe...,
How do local anaesthetics work
28  cards
Basic foot balance and farriery
What is the static assessment of ...,
Describe the static assessment fr...,
Describe the static assessment fr...
15  cards
Laminitis – shoeing and treatments
Describe the overall progression ...,
How are founders sinkers treated,
Define laminitis
16  cards
Pastern and fetlock
Where is the pastern joint,
Which ligaments tendons lie at th...,
Which ligament lies on the medial...
80  cards
Diagnosis and management of foot pain
What information would you want t...,
Describe the steps of a clinical ...,
Following history and clinical ex...
56  cards
Describe the anatomy of the metac...,
Which structure runs down the dor...,
Which structures are found on the...
46  cards
Upper forelimb
Which bones make up the carpus fr...,
Name and describe the joints of t...,
Name the ligaments and tendons of...
58  cards
The tarsus
The tarsus is also know as,
Is the hock a common site of path...,
Which bones make up the tarsus
56  cards
Upper hindlimb
How many joints make up the stifle,
Name the 3 main bones of the stifle,
Name the joints of the stifle
53  cards
Foal Orthopaedics
What do the following abbreviatio...,
What are developmental orthopaedi...,
An angular limb deformity is a le...
62  cards
Axial Skeleton
How many cervical vertebrae does ...,
Which cervical vertebrae have no ...,
What is the name given to c1
27  cards

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y4 eq - orthopaedics

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