y3 gastrointestinal

This class was created by Brainscape user Aida Abdelwahed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Define achalasia its aetiology an...,
Describe the history presenting s...,
What are the signs of achalasia u...
6  cards
Coeliac Disease
Define coeliac disease its aetiol...,
Describe the history presenting s...,
What are the signs of coeliac dis...
7  cards
Colorectal carcinoma
Define colorectal carcinoma and i...,
What is the aetiology of colorect...,
Describe the history presenting s...
9  cards
Crohn's disease
Define crohns disease and summari...,
Describe the history presenting s...,
What are the signs of crohns dise...
9  cards
Diverticular disease
Define diverticular disease,
Summarise the aetiology of divert...,
Summarise the epidemiology of div...
9  cards
Define gallstones and summarise i...,
Summarise the aetiology risk fact...,
Describe the history presenting s...
8  cards
Acute Cholangitis
Define acute cholangitis and summ...,
Describe the history presenting s...,
What are the signs of acute chola...
7  cards
Alcoholic Hepatits
Define alcoholic hepatitis summar...,
Describe the history presenting s...,
What are the signs of alcoholic h...
7  cards
Anal fissure
Define anal fissure summarising i...,
Describe the history presenting s...,
What are the signs of anal of fis...
6  cards
Define appendicitis summarising i...,
Describe the history presenting s...,
What are the signs of appendiciti...
7  cards
Autoimmune Hepatitis
Define autoimmune hepatitis and s...,
Summarise the aetiology of autoim...,
What the two major forms autoimmu...
6  cards
Barrett's Oesphagus
Define barretts oesophagus and su...,
Describe the history presenting s...,
What are the signs of barretts oe...
5  cards
Biliary Colic
Define biliary colic and summaris...
1  cards

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y3 gastrointestinal

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