This class was created by Brainscape user T Q. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: T Q

Decks in this class (72)

ANAT Clinical Anatomy of Lungs, Pleura & Spaces - Week 1 & 2 (incl. ANAT Workbook)
At an embryological level union o...,
What pleura receives somatic inne...,
What happens to the pleura at the...
34  cards
CLIN RESP Systems Review - Week 1
Respiratory systems review qs all...,
Respiratory systems review qs tho...,
Fhx qs which should be incorporat...
14  cards
CLIN CVS/MSK/NEURO Systems Review - Week 0
Cardio systems review qs,
Msk systems review qs,
Neuro systems review qs
3  cards
INT MED Evidence in Integrative Medicine - Week 1
Air ionisers are,
Vega machines,
24  cards
PHYS Transport of Gases & Control of Breathing - Week 1
2 x ways o2 is transported,
Po2 of tissues,
4 factors which cause right o2 hb...
18  cards
PHYS Biomechanics of Breathing - Week 1
Boyle s law,
Chest movement direction on inspi...,
Chest movement direction on expir...
24  cards
PHYS Ventilation Perfusion & Gas Exchange - Week 1
Barometric pressure is,
O2 driving pressure is,
Co2 driving pressure is
15  cards
EBM Introduction to EBM - Week 2
Define ebm,
3 x principles of ebm,
5 steps of ebm
3  cards
PHARM Asthma & COPD - Week 2
Asthma pathology,
Symptoms of asthma,
2 x types of asthma
37  cards
Diptheria causative agents,
Diptheria symptoms,
Diptheria treatment
72  cards
IMMUN Respiratory Immunology, Allergy & Host Defences - Week 2
Primary phase of an allergic resp...,
Secondary phase of an allergic re...,
Function of the respiratory epith...
4  cards
ICL OSA - Week 1
What part of the pharynx can bloc...,
3 types of sleep apnoea,
Sleep events
8  cards
ICL Asthma - Week 2
Asthma symptoms,
Asthma triggers,
2 types of asthma
9  cards
ANAT Development & Adult Anatomy of the Foregut - Week 2
What are the three divisions of t...,
What does lateral folding lead to,
What does cranial caudal folding ...
23  cards
CLIN Resp Exam - Week 2
Resp exam intro,
Resp exam gi,
Breathing through pursed lips acc...
86  cards
ANAT Development of the Midgut & Hindgut - Week 3
Is the stomach intra retro or sec...,
Is the liver,
Is the spleen intra retro or seco...
30  cards
PHYS Introduction & Neuronal Control of the Gut - Week 3
Name of the lining of the small i...,
Circular layer of spindle shaped ...,
Function of circular smooth muscl...
15  cards
ANAT GIT - Week 3 (incl. ANAT Workbook)
What is the rectus sheath what do...,
Lateral abdo wall includes what m...,
Anterior abdo wall includes what ...
53  cards
ICL COPD - Week 3
Symptoms of copd,
Findings on auscultation for copd,
Findings on percussion for copd
14  cards
CLIN RESP Investigations & Devices - Week 3
Process of cxr interpretation,
When should you not comment on hy...,
How many ribs should be visible o...
11  cards
PHYS GIT Motility - Week 4
What structures make up the small...,
Motility processes in the small i...,
What nerves modulate mixing contr...
18  cards
PHYS Gut Secretions I - Week 4
Acidity of salivary stomach pancr...,
Saliva composition,
Functions of saliva
27  cards
PHYS Gut Secretions II - Week 4
How is bile secreted,
Role of cystic duct,
Composition of bile
18  cards
C&C Respiratory Workshop - Week 3
Justify hyperinflation of the lun...,
What treats increased mucous prod...,
What treats immune activation by ...
13  cards
ANAT GIT - Week 4 (incl. ANAT Workbook)
Appearance of the mucosal folds i...,
Appearance of the mucosal folds i...,
Classify the caecum as intro retr...
44  cards
PHARM GIT Clinical Cases - Week 4
Explain basal receptor mediated s...,
3 regulatory molecules that stimu...,
3 x classifications of drugs that...
6  cards
ICL Colorectal Cancer - Week 4
Pathophysiology of colorectal cancer,
Predisposing factors of colorecta...,
Risk factors of colorectal cancer...
9  cards
CLIN GIT Systems Review - Week 4
Git systems review qs,
Abdo pain that radiates to the ba...,
Abdo pain that radiates to the sh...
53  cards
PHYS Bile Synthesis & Enterohepatic Circulation - Week 5
Primary constituents of bile include,
How is cholesterol processed by t...,
How can bile acid synthesis be re...
9  cards
PHYS Investigation of Jaundice - Week 5
When is jaundice detectable clini...,
Biliverdin colour
36  cards
Drugs affecting GIT Motility - Week 5
Ctz expand,
Ctz function,
What makes ctz effective in detec...
9  cards
INT MED Application of Integrative Medicine Health Care - Week 5
Homeopathy affect on asthma,
Chiropractic affect on asthma,
Acupuncture affect on asthma
19  cards
C&C GIT Workshop - Week 5 & 6
3 main types of gallstones and co...,
Explain how brown gallstones are ...,
Risk factors for gall stone forma...
30  cards
ANAT GIT - Week 5 (incl. Workbook)
Which parts of the lb are most mo...,
3 types of taenia,
Sites where a diaphragmatic hiatu...
19  cards
ICL Cholecystitis - Week 5
Biliary colic,
Symptoms of biliary colic,
2 x types of cholecystitis
17  cards
CLIN GIT Exam - Week 5
Git exam intro,
Git exam gi,
Git exam skin
76  cards
NUT - Week 6
Components of a nutritional asses...,
Current national dietary guidelines,
Advantages disadvantages of food ...
57  cards
ANAT GIT - Week 6 (incl. Workbook)
Which vertebral levels do the r a...,
What separates r and l lobes of t...,
What separates caudate and quadra...
9  cards
MICRO Infections of the GIT - Week 5/6
Transmission of h pylori gastric ...,
Symptoms of gastric ulcers,
Complications of h pylori gastric...
103  cards
HIST of the GIT - Week 5
Epithelium of esophageal mucosa l...,
Epithelium of stomach,
Are goblet cells found in the sto...
14  cards
ANAT Autonomic Nervous System Innervation of the GIT - Week 3
What nerves use ans tracks to tra...,
What controls vascular tone in th...,
What organs in the body are duall...
10  cards
ANAT Developmental and Congenital Abnormalities of the Renal System - Week 7
Which embryonic mesenchyme gives ...,
What duct develops abnormally to ...,
What duct degenerates during deve...
20  cards
PHYS Structure & Functions of the Kidneys - Week 7
Functions of the kidneys,
Pathway of urine from renal papilla,
Nephron is composed of
15  cards
PHYS Micturition & Continence - Week 7
What is the trigone what is it co...,
3 x histological layers of the bl...,
Significant of angle of entry of ...
12  cards
ANAT Posterior Abdominal Wall Workshop Notes - Week 7
Term used to describe lighter dar...,
Describe general pattern of lymph...,
Branches of the celiac trunk artery
4  cards
ANAT Posterior Abdominal Wall - Week 7
At what level does the ivc phreni...,
At what level does the internal t...,
At what level does the esophagus ...
9  cards
ICL CKD - Week 7
Aki events classified via pre int...,
What is ckd a risk factor for,
Sr which should be completed for ...
19  cards
MICRO UTIs - Week 8
16  cards
CLIN GENURI Exam - Week 7
Genuri systems review qs,
Ppmhx of gout diabetes mellitus m...
61  cards
PHYS Renal Tubular Mechanisms & Fluid Osmolarity & Electrolytes - Week 10
Describe pathway of paracellular ...,
Describe pathway of transcellular...,
In which tubular segment is the g...
80  cards
PHYS Renal Physiology, Water Balance & Body Fluids Workshop - Week 10
10min post drinking 15l water ecf...,
60min post drinking 15l water ecf...,
Compared to 10mins post drinking ...
9  cards
CLIN Urinary, Hydration & Weight - Week 10
Urine colour change associated wi...,
Fishy smell of urine may indicate,
Low specific gravity of urine may...
23  cards
PHARM Introduction to the Pharmacology of Hypertension - Week 10
Hypertension definition based on ...,
Definition of pulmonary htn,
1st 4th line pharm for htn
6  cards
PHYS Handling of Bicarbonate - Week 10
Ph plasma,
Where are bicarbonate ions filtered,
Where is bicarbonate reabsorbed a...
12  cards
PHYS Acute & Chronic Renal Failure - Week 10
Renal insufficiency,
Renal failure,
10  cards
PHYS Acid-Base Balance of Biological Fluids - Week 11
Define volatile acid non volatile...,
Location of peripheral chemorecep...
2  cards
EBM Applying Findings & Clinical Reasoning - Week 5
Premature closure,
Diagnostic momentum,
Anchoring bias
20  cards
PHYS Acid-Base Disorders & Compensation - Week 11
What system is the fastest compen...,
Primary secondary changes in meta...,
Primary secondary changes in meta...
36  cards
PHYS Endocrine Compartments - Week 11
Exocrine glands vs endocrine glands,
3 x classes of hormones,
Examples of protein peptide hormones
18  cards
PHYS Calcium Balance - Week 11
Normal total plasma ca2 levels,
Main side effect of low calcium l...,
3 x types of bone cells and their...
21  cards
PHYS Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland - Week 11
Position of the pituitary gland c...,
2 x lobes of the pit gland,
2 x regions of the hypothalamus s...
30  cards
HIST Pituitary, Thyroid & Adrenal Glands Workshop - Week 11
Describe process of ant pit hormo...,
Describe process of post pit horm...,
Somatotrophs are found in what en...
32  cards
PHARM Osteoporosis - Week 11
Describe process involved in main...,
Risk factors for osteoporosis
2  cards
HIST of the Respiratory System - Week 1
Compare contrast hist of bronchus...,
What type of glands are seromucou...,
What is the role of club cells cl...
6  cards
PHYS Endocrine Response to Stress - Week 12
What does the adrenal cortex synt...,
What does the adrenal medulla syn...,
Describe how na a are produced wh...
12  cards
PHYS Thyroid Gland - Week 12
Describe the hpt axis and its rol...,
What effects do thyroid hormones ...,
Name of the t4 thyroid hormone
5  cards
ICL Hyperthyroidism - Week 12
Causes of hyperthyroidism,
Risk factors for hyperthyroidism,
What is a goitre 2 x types
6  cards
C&C Renal Workshop - Week 11
Gfr kidney failure,
What are some possible explanatio...,
What is the most common cause of ckd
6  cards
PHYS Overview of Diabetes & Complications - Week 12
Compare and contrast high and low...,
Constant vs inducible expression ...,
What is the affinity expression o...
16  cards
HIST of the Urinary System - Week 8
Function of the pct,
What are podocytes,
How do albumin other large protei...
5  cards
CLIN ENDO Exam - Week 11
Endo thyroid system review qs,
Qs which should be incl for suspe...,
Qs which should be incl for suspe...
49  cards
CLIN Diabetes Hx, Exam & Investigations - Week 12
Diabetes sr qs for hyperglycaemia,
Diabetes sr qs for hypoglycaemia,
Diabetes sr qs for complications
30  cards

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