This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie Robinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Clinical anatomy of the eye
How is the visual field and eye l...,
Which bones make up the orbit,
Which species have an incomplete ...
55  cards
What is a synapse,
What is a neurotransmitter,
What happens when an action poten...
18  cards
What is the term used to describe...,
Where are pain receptors located ...,
Pain decussates at which level
12  cards
What is the role of the cerebellum,
Where is the cerebellum located,
Describe the structure of the cer...
30  cards
Define the term neuroleptic,
Define the term neuroleptanalgesia,
What are the 4 classes of sedatives
18  cards
Brain maturation and aging
In the brain what increases as th...,
What is developmental learning,
Brain maturation involves which 4...
25  cards
Behavioural pharmacology
What dives and influences behaviour,
What is a true abnormal behaviour,
Which system is key in emotion an...
30  cards
Analgesia pharmacology
Why does acute pain rapidly alter...,
What is the acronym for the drugs...,
What are nsaids
18  cards
Pharmacology of anaesthetic agents
What makes up the triad of anaest...,
How are anaesthetic drugs divided,
Give some examples of injectable ...
16  cards
Anti-epileptic drugs
What is an epileptic seizure defi...,
What are the 4 phases of a seizure,
What occurs during the prodromal ...
27  cards
Ocular Pharmacology
What are the 3 ways a drugs is ad...,
What of the tear film is turned o...,
What are the advantages of topica...
31  cards
The hypothalamus
What is the hypothalamus a contro...,
Which part of the brain is the hy...,
What 3 parts is the forebrain div...
20  cards

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y2 cns

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