[y1] anatomy and physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Tegan Patrick. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Introduction to anatomy
What are the levels of organisation,
What are the 4 main types of tissues,
What is the function of epitheili...
84  cards
Who came up witht the rough idea ...,
What was bernards orignal idea,
In what year and by who was the t...
24  cards
Body fluids
What most occur with fluid intake...,
What are electrolytes,
Why are electrolytes important in...
43  cards
The circulation
What 3 things does a circulatory ...,
What kingdom has no circulatory s...,
How do substances move within a c...
64  cards
The anatomy of the heart
What type of heart do amphibians ...,
What type of heart do mammals have,
Describe a 4 chambered heart
34  cards
Electrical activity of the heart
How do changes in concentration r...,
What is nernst equation,
What 2 things determine the membr...
4  cards
Regulatory mechanisms in circulation
What is the average cardiac outpu...,
What is cardiac output affected b...,
Define inotropy
19  cards
The endocrine system
What allows us to control the com...,
What are the endocrine and nervou...,
What does the
56  cards
*Introduction to the blood system
Define blood,
What of the total blood volume is...,
What of the total blood volume is...
29  cards
blood typing and blood transfusions
0  cards
Define haemostasis,
Define haemorrhage,
What would happen in the abscence...
61  cards
Immune system
Do pathology blood flashcards
45  cards
Introduction to the respiratory system
What is internal cellular respira...,
What is external respiration,
What are the 3 key functions of t...
41  cards
The mechanisms of breathing
What is gas pressure measured in,
Define partial pressure,
Define ventilation
20  cards
Gas transport and control of respiration
What 2 ways is oxygen transported...,
What does the amount of oxygen di...,
How much of the bodies oxygen doe...
13  cards
Integrated and comparative respiratory physiology
What type of respiratory disease ...,
What are asthma attacks what trig...,
Other than asthma attacks what el...
23  cards
What organ system is the skin apa...,
What are the 3 principle layers o...,
What is the primary function of t...
32  cards
The gastrointestinal tract
A balanced diet it made up of wha...,
Define digestion,
What is food energy measured in
90  cards
The skeletal system
What 3 things do we need to survive,
What is the function of the muscu...,
What are the 3 components to the ...
37  cards
Muscle physiology
0  cards
*The renal system
How much water does the nhs sa to...,
What is excreted by the kidneys,
What does the urinary system cons...
73  cards
The nervous system
What 2 systems are responsible fo...,
What is the nervous system,
What ar he 4 functions of the ner...
102  cards
What does the eent system enable,
What does eent stand for,
What muscles allow the eyes to move
7  cards

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[y1] anatomy and physiology

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