wsetl 3 syllabus revision notes

This class was created by Brainscape user Laurence O'Neill. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Ch 4 The Vine
What are the main species of vine,
Why is v vinifera preferred for w...,
What is the main use for v americ...
27  cards
Ch 5 The Growing Environment - Heat
Whay does the vine need heat,
What is the minimum temperature a...,
Do all varieties need the same am...
32  cards
Ch 5 The Growing Environment - Sunlight
Why does the vine need sunlight,
Which factors affect the amount o...,
What impact can low light levels ...
4  cards
Ch 5 The Growing Environment - Water
Why does the vine need water,
What is transpiration,
What determines the amount ofwate...
11  cards
Ch 5 The Growing Environment - Soil
What does soil supply to the vine,
What does soil consist of,
What is the benefit of rocks and ...
10  cards
Ch 5 The Growing Environment - Climate And Weather
What is the definition of a regio...,
What is the definition of a regio...,
How is a regions temperature defined
13  cards
Ch 6 - Vineyard Pests And Diseases
Name 4 types of pest,
What damage can pest do to the vi...,
What is effective treatment again...
12  cards
Ch 6 - Viticultural Practices
Why has the use of chemical ferti...,
What are the alternatives to chem...,
What are the features of sustaina...
5  cards
Ch 6 - The Life Cycle
What are the main stages of the v...,
What is budburst when does it occur,
Name two early budding varieties ...
17  cards
Ch 6 - Harvesting
When does harvesting begin,
Why might harvest be be brought f...,
What are thetwo main methods of h...
7  cards
Ch 6. Vineyard Management
What must a producer take into ac...,
Which environmental climate condi...,
Which business considerations are...
37  cards
Ch 7 - Oxygen Effects And Sulphur Dioxide
Why would a winemaker wishto cont...,
A wine nade with little or no hum...,
Is oxygen a threat or aid in wine...
17  cards
Ch 7 - Oak And Inert Vessels
Why is hygiene an issue with oak ...,
What are the four important facto...
11  cards
Ch 7 - Grape Processing And Adjustments
Why might grapes be sorted on arr...,
Why might grapes stems be removed...,
What does crushing do and what sh...
18  cards
Ch 7 -Fermentation And Alcohol
What are the two types of ferment...,
What is alcoholic fermentation wh...,
Between what temperatures will ye...
18  cards
Ch 7- Pre-maturation Bottling And Blending
What are the two types of lees,
What are the two types of lees,
What are gross lees
13  cards
Ch 7 - Clarification And Stabilisation & Closures
What is the reason for clarification,
What are the main clarification m...,
Describe sedimentation
17  cards
Ch 8 - White Winemaking
What are the options facing a whi...,
Why would winemaker wish to avoid...,
When might some skin contact be c...
17  cards

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wsetl 3 syllabus revision notes

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