written exam 2023

This class was created by Brainscape user Frances Riley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

List 6 haematological changes in ...,
List the changes in procoagulants...,
List risk factors that may contri...
6  cards
0  cards
Ovarian Cysts
Describe the iota simple rules,
Describe the iota simple rules,
List the 5 ultrasound features as...
15  cards
Epilepsy in pregnancy (RCOG Green top guideline)
What is the incidence of epilepsy...,
What is the significance of mater...,
What is sudep
15  cards
MCQ May 2011
Which of these congenital malform...,
A 32 y o rh negative woman with a...,
Which of the following statements...
6  cards
Urogynaecology COPY
What is the prevalence of any inc...,
What is the prevalence of sui iso...,
What is the prevalence of mixed u...
50  cards
Recurrent pregnancy loss RANZCOG
List two independent risk factors...,
List the age related risk of misc...,
How would you advise a woman abou...
17  cards
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
What is the definition of gestati...,
List the 4 types of gtn,
What are the management steps for...
50  cards
May 2011 MCQs
A 32 year old rhesus negative wom...,
Which of the following statements...,
In which of the following circums...
75  cards
Feb 2010 MCQ
The fertilised human ovum reaches...,
Which of the following is least c...,
A 26 y o multigravida woman at 30...
70  cards
Climate MCQs 2020
Which congenital anaemia is inher...,
Red degeneration of a uterine fib...,
At the time of a routine antenata...
100  cards
Membership practice MCQs
1 a 22 year old woman is seen at ...,
2 the primary group of lymph node...,
3 one hundred high risk patients ...
102  cards
Endometriosis RANZCOG clinical guideline
What is adenomyosis,
What is the incidence of adenomyosis,
Medical management of endometrios...
4  cards
Surgical SAQ
List 5 steps you would take if yo...,
Explain palmers point entry steps,
List 4 auto transfusion options jw
22  cards
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the mechanism of action o...
2  cards
MIST trial
What were the primary outcomes me...,
What were the primary outcomes re...
2  cards
List the 8 key features on histor...,
List the 7 parameters in sperm an...,
What are the baseline hormone inv...
35  cards
Ovarian cancer
What is ca 125,
What is the sensitivity and speci...,
What are the rules of a good scre...
4  cards
FIGO vulvar cancer
List grossly what each 4 stages o...,
Stage ia,
Stage ib
8  cards
Describe type 1 fgm,
Describe type 2 fgm,
Describe type 3 fgm
5  cards
List 4 evidence based methods to ...,
What is the evidence from cochran...,
What are the no difference effect...
3  cards
Male Factor infertility
0  cards
t1DM in pregnancy
0  cards

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written exam 2023

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