This class was created by Brainscape user Heather White. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Labor and Delivery
How is labor clinically defined,
Does walking make true labor bett...,
If a mom is gbs positive and not ...
29  cards
Endometriosis, PCOS, Infertility
What are the most common causes o...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the diagnosis criteria fo...
7  cards
1000ft View Women's Health
What structure most commonly is d...,
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the mons and it s function
39  cards
Women's Health, External Genitalia, Vaginal and Cervical Patho
Where is neoplasia most likely in...,
How much leukorrhea normal vagina...,
What is the normal ph of vaginal ...
23  cards
Uterine and Ovarian Pathophysiology
Menstruation starts because of wh...,
What is endometriosis,
Where does endometriosis commonly...
26  cards
Cervical Cytology
How does cervical cancer impact l...,
What is the number one risk facto...,
Does risk of cervical cancer decr...
29  cards
Pregnancy and Reproduction 1000ft View
What cells are the located at the...,
Is amniotic fluid sterile,
What other substance is within sperm
32  cards
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
What is the normal range of menst...,
What is the average length of menses,
What is the average age of menarc...
44  cards
What is the menstrual cycle contr...,
What are the 5 broad types of con...,
What is the natural family planni...
11  cards
What is the number one cause of v...,
What are risk factors for bv,
What is the presentation of bv
25  cards
Breast Anatomy and Pathophysiology
Breast tissue lies on what,
What does the retrommamary space ...,
What ligament supports the breast...
31  cards
Pregnancy Pathophysiology
When does a spontaneous abortion ...,
How is recurrent abortion defined,
How is a threatened abortion defined
37  cards
Casea 53 year old woman presents ...,
Casea 53 year old woman is seen b...,
Casea 54 year old woman presents ...
3  cards
EOR Deck
Women's Health End of Rotation Exam
114  cards

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women's health

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