wjec a2 biology

This class was created by Brainscape user keira leigh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

The Kidney- Unit 3.7
Name the main source of nitrogen ...,
Why do aquatic organisms excrete ...,
What is the advantage of having a...
68  cards
Microbiology- Unit 3.4
What is another word for murein,
Describe gram positive bacteria,
Describe gram negative bacteria 3
16  cards
Human Reproduction- Unit 4.1
What is the labia majora,
What is the labia minora,
What do the labia majora and mino...
55  cards
Populations & Ecosystems- Unit 3.5
What is a population,
What is a community,
How is a population different to ...
67  cards
Plant Reproduction- Unit 4.2
Describe the petals on an insect ...,
Which type of flower has nectar a...,
How much pollen is present in ins...
60  cards
Respiration- Unit 3.3
What is the word equation for aer...,
What is the word equation for ana...,
What is the word equation for ana...
17  cards
ATP Importance- Unit 3.1
What main chemical processes is a...,
What is atp,
What is atp s structure
11  cards
Photosynthesis- Unit 3.2
0  cards
Nervous system- Unit 3.8
What does white matter consist of,
What does grey matter consist of
2  cards
Immunology & Disease- Unit 4A
Define pathogen,
Define the term infectious,
Define carrier
99  cards
Variation & Evolution- Unit 4.4
What is the definition of variation,
What are reasons for differences ...,
What is heritable variation
31  cards
Application of reproduction & genetics- Unit 4.5
What were the aims of the human g...,
What were the findings of the hum...,
What were the benefits of the hum...
5  cards

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wjec a2 biology

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