This class was created by Brainscape user Allie Marconi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

What are 3 taste in wine,
What are three sources i can effe...,
What is the species that makes th...
25  cards
What are the six regions in france,
What are the sections of burgundy,
Main variety in burgundy
40  cards
What are the borders of italy,
What mountain range defines italy,
What is igp and dop
32  cards
What is primary white in germany,
What are the main region in germany,
What is the climate in germany an...
18  cards
What are the primary white grapes...,
What is the river that flows thro...,
What are the four main regions in...
7  cards
What are the main growing regions...,
What is a main do in northwest spain,
What is the climate in rias baixa...
23  cards
Where is vinho verde dop located,
What is the climate in vinho verde,
What is the main variety in vinho...
11  cards
Explain the general history of wi...,
Who were the key players to the s...,
What governing body regulates alc...
17  cards
What are the major geographical i...,
What are the main varieties grown...,
How did grapes arrive to chile
14  cards
SOUTH Africa
Where is south africa located,
What are the basics of south afri...,
What is the ocean current that co...
11  cards
Where is australia located,
What is the climate in australia,
Where on australia are vineyards ...
23  cards
New Zealand
Where is new zealand located,
What is the general climate the n...,
What are the main varieties for t...
10  cards
Fortfied Wines
What is the reasoning for fortify...,
How is fortified wine made,
Compare sweet versus dry fortifie...
17  cards
What are the four main ingredient...,
What contributes to flavor and st...,
What are the 2 styles and brands ...
5  cards
What is sake,
What are the primary ingredients ...,
What is the definition of junmai
7  cards
What are three primary cider prod...,
What are three primary cider prod...,
What are the primary ingredients ...
4  cards
What are the two types of stills ...,
What are common materials used to...,
Why distill a fermented beverage
5  cards
What are the styles of whiskey
1  cards
What are examples of brandy,
Where is cognac located varietal ...,
Where is armagnac located varieta...
4  cards
Liqueurs and Cordials
What are liqueur or cordials,
What are some kind of liqueurs or...
2  cards

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wine 101

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