wills & administration of estates

This class was created by Brainscape user Rhys MacCarter. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Intestacy and succession
Are the intestacy rules only rele...,
What types of property do not for...,
If property is held by joint tena...
41  cards
Wills: Validity
What is meant by testamentary fre...,
Can a minor make a will,
Is there specific wording or form...
55  cards
Wills: Drafting and Interpretation
What introductory clauses are inc...,
What does a commencement do intro...,
If the testator is known by other...
103  cards
Wills: Amendment and Revocation
What are the 3 ways a testator ca...,
Will alterations made to a will b...,
What is the difference between an...
59  cards
Changes to estate distribution following death
Do close relatives have a legal r...,
Can ipfda claims only happen wher...,
What requirements determine the e...
70  cards
Administration: Introduction and Personal representatives
What legal process does administr...,
What is the difference between pr...,
What is the grant of representati...
81  cards
Administration: Grants of representation
Reminder because i always forget it,
What is a grant of representation,
What are the 3 types of grant
24  cards
Administration: Application for a grant
What are the pre grant steps take...,
Is there a legal obligation to fo...,
How is the funeral paid for what ...
138  cards
Administration: Post-grant practice
When do prs have evidence of auth...,
What is the method of collection ...,
Where should money collected in b...
71  cards
IHT: The charge to IHT
What is inheritance tax,
What are the current rates of tax,
What are the 3 iht trigger events
96  cards
IHT: Exemptions and reliefs
How do exemptions and reliefs work,
What exemptions relief are availa...,
What exemptions reliefs are avail...
54  cards
Tax planning and anti avoidance
What is the difference between ta...,
What are the 5 anti avoidance rules,
What is the restriction on deduct...
83  cards
Professional conduct
How is the third party instructio...,
How is providing a competent serv...,
How are client s circumstances re...
11  cards

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wills & administration of estates

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