This class was created by Brainscape user Danielle Pritchett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Skeletal System
This system provides structural s...,
This system protects your vital o...,
This system facilitates movement
24  cards
Muscular System
Three types of muscle tissue,
Ways to classify named muscles,
Muscles located in the central co...
13  cards
Nervous System
The two divisions of the nervous ...,
This tissue consists of specializ...,
A single nerve cell that transmit...
35  cards
Body Movement
These three body systems work tog...,
The point of communication betwee...,
Where does the nervous system con...
3  cards
Respiratory System
The two divisions of the respirat...,
The voice box,
Housing the vocal cords
24  cards
Cardiovascular System
The three types of blood vessels,
The largest artery in the body,
Carries deoxygenated blood from t...
26  cards
Digestive System
A series of hollow organs that pr...,
2  cards
Urinary System
Bean shaped organs located in the...,
Their primary function is to filt...,
Ureters are muscular tubes that t...
17  cards
How the Body Transports Nutrients and Eliminates Waste
This system provides oxygen to th...,
This system transports oxygen to ...,
This system breaks down food to r...
10  cards
Immune System
______ blood cells play a vital r...,
The ______ filters blood removes ...,
_____________ are white blood cel...
29  cards
Integumentary System
The outermost layer of the skin c...,
The layer of skin beneath the epi...,
Exocrine glands in the skin that ...
17  cards
Special Senses
A transparent flexible structure ...,
The retina is the innermost layer...,
The cornea is the clear protectiv...
23  cards
How the Body Protects Itself
Histamine is a natural compound p...,
Sensory receptors eg eyes ears no...
2  cards
Endocrine System
An organ or structure in the body...,
A gland that secretes hormones or...,
A gland that secretes hormones or...
41  cards
Reproductive Structures
The external sac of skin and musc...,
The primary male reproductive org...,
Reproductive cells also known as ...
30  cards
How the Body Regulates Itself
The body s ability to maintain a ...,
A region in the brain that plays ...,
The body s mechanism for maintain...
3  cards

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wgu d203 - a&p

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