This class was created by Brainscape user Isaac Cleal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (9)

5.1 The global hydrological cycle is of enormous importance to life on earth
The hydrological cycle is classed...,
14  cards
5.2 The drainage basin is an open system within the global hydrological cycle.
The drainage basin system is clas...,
Definition of drainage basin,
Inputs precipitation conditions
23  cards
5.3 The hydrological cycle influences water budgets and river systems at a local scale.
Positive water balance is when wa...,
Negative water balance is when w
6  cards
5.4 Deficits within the hydrological cycle result from physical processes but can have significant impacts
Meteorological drought,
Agricultural drought,
Hydrological drought
21  cards
5.5 Surplus in the hydrological cycle can lead to flooding, with significant impacts to people
Causes of flooding physical facto...,
What does meteorological mean,
Flooding definition
13  cards
5.6 Climate change may have significant impacts on the hydrological cycle globally and locally.
How does climate change have impa...,
Precipitation input affects by cl...
2  cards
5.7 There are physical causes and human causes of water
The growing mismatch and demand h...,
Why is there a greater mis match ...,
Why is there a greater mis match ...
9  cards
5.8 There are consequences and risks associated with water insecurity.
How much is spent to improve wate...,
Access to water is limited as dev...,
Water insecurity can be linked to...
31  cards
5.9 There are different approaches to managing water supply, some more sustainable than others.
Water transfer schemes are briefly,
Water transfer schemes china s so...,
China s south north transfer proj...
4  cards

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