This class was created by Brainscape user Claire Evans. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

External and Middle Ear Pathology
What is otitis externa,
What is otitis media,
What are the clinical signs of ot...
25  cards
Neuropathology of the inner ear
What are the three small bones fo...,
What is the dorsal chamber called,
What is the ventral chamber called
20  cards
External and Middle Ear Pathology II
Name 5 predisposing factors to ea...,
What is the pathogenesis of otiti...,
What are the gross features of ot...
27  cards
Eye Pathology I
What are the main functions of th...,
What are the fornices,
What are the two main functions o...
35  cards
Pituitary Gland Pathology
What is autocrine signalling,
What is an endocrine gland,
What in cells makes polypeptides ...
40  cards
Thyroid Gland Pathology
What is an ectopic thyroid,
What are the three endocrine popu...,
What is the main function of t3 t4
27  cards
Parathyroid Gland Pathology
What is the main function of the ...,
What is the similarity and differ...,
What is the function of calcitonin
21  cards
Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus
What are the three major endocrin...,
What stimulates an insulin increase,
What may cause a decrease in insu...
9  cards
One Health
1  cards
Endocrine Pancreas Pathology
Where do the endocrine cells secr...,
Where do islet cells secrete horm...,
What are pancreatic islets
5  cards
Chemoreceptor Organ Pathology
What is the function of chemorece...,
What is the function of stellate ...,
What are the two main locations o...
15  cards
Endocrine diseases of the skin
What is primary hypofunction,
2  cards
Disorders of Lipid Metabolism
How are triglycerides transported,
What are the two major lipoproteins,
Name four major points about chyl...
18  cards
Endocrinopathic laminitis
What three things occur during la...,
What is the link between igf 1 an...,
What stimulates corticotroph secr...
5  cards
Insulin regulation and obesity
What is insulin initially synthes...,
How do you get from preproinsulin...,
What is insulin released in respo...
8  cards
Eye Pathology II
What does a red corneal opacity mean,
What does a blue corneal opacity ...,
What does a crystalline white cor...
22  cards
One Health and Diabetes
1  cards
Parasites of the nervous system
What type of parasite is taenia m...,
What is the definitive host of ta...,
What disease does taenia multicep...
36  cards
Neuropathology- Recognising the abnormal
What is the prevalence of neurolo...,
What animal species has a 25 prev...,
Where do sensory nerves enter the...
18  cards
Neuropathology: Circulatory Diseases
What is the glymphatic system,
What is the function of the glymp...,
What is vasogenic oedema
16  cards
Neuropathology: Degenerative, Metabolic, Toxic
What causes polioencephalomalacia,
Name 5 things that may cause a th...,
In what animals is pem most commo...
27  cards
Neuropathology: Infection and Inflammation
What forms the blood brain barrier,
What is the function of the blood...,
What is the haematogenous spread ...
17  cards
Rabies- One health Exemplar
What family is rabies found in,
What order is rabies found in,
How many species of rabies are there
21  cards
Flavivirus- West Nile
What is an arbovirus,
What kind of virus is a flavivirus,
3  cards
Diabetes Mellitus- Hyperglycaemia syndrome
What is the function of glut 4,
How do catecholamines affect glucose,
What affect does cortisol have on...
14  cards
Adrenal Pathology I
What does the zona glomerulosa se...,
What stimulates the secretion of ...,
What is the function of the zona ...
41  cards
Transmissible Spongiform Diseases
What is the infectious agent that...,
Name 4 things that prion can resi...,
What causes tse in terms of the p...
24  cards
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the main ways listeria c...,
What two things aid the multiplic...
8  cards

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vms 2007

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