This class was created by Brainscape user Claire Evans. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

Parasites of The Cardiovascular system
What is microfilaria,
How long is the average male and ...,
How long do microfilariae live fo...
34  cards
Cardiovascular Pathology I
What is the main job of the heart,
What happens when the body demand...,
What is pre load
38  cards
Cardiovascular Pathology II
What is a cardiomyopathy,
What is primary mycardial disease,
What is secondary myocardial disease
33  cards
Cardiovascular Pathology III
What endocardium is more predispo...,
What can cause mineralisation of ...,
What is the most common cardiovas...
33  cards
Cardiovascular Pathology IV
What parts of the heart does an h...,
What is the most common primary c...,
What can occur if a hemagiosarcom...
21  cards
Cardiovascular Pathology V
What is the definition of vasculitis,
What is arteritis,
What is phlebitis
24  cards
What kind of pathogens are pasteu...,
How would you culture them,
What are the main manifestations ...
32  cards
What does mycoplasma tend to cause,
What are the four main types of p...,
What are the two main classes
23  cards
What are the main features of rho...,
What animal species does rhodococ...,
What is the main pathogenesis of ...
12  cards
What type of bacteria is burkhold...,
What is burkholderia mallei known...,
What kind of conditions does burk...
12  cards
What is the background to mycobac...,
What does the thick layer of myco...,
When is mavium most commonly seen
22  cards
Respiratory Pathology I
How are particles usually cleared...,
What are the four classes of pulm...,
What are alveolar pulmonary macro...
57  cards
Respiratory Pathology II
What is the problem with oedema i...,
What does oedema in the lungs loo...,
Where is lung oedema prominent
24  cards
Fungal Respiratory Disease
What are the two major fungal forms,
How can you culture fungus,
What are septate hyphae
44  cards
Avian Influenza Virus
What family does influenza belong to,
What is influenza a,
What is influenza b
24  cards
Respiratory Parasites I
Name three dictyocaulus lungworms,
What does dictyocaulus viviparous...,
What does dictyocaulus viviparous...
30  cards
Respiratory Parasites II
What is the definitive host of ae...,
What is the intermediate host of ...,
What is the pathogenesis of aelur...
37  cards
What is the classification of ret...,
Name 4 common characteristics of ...,
Name 4 characteristics of alphare...
37  cards
When is severe herpes disease usu...,
What is the basic composition of ...,
What are the 3 subtypes of bohv 1
17  cards
Diseases Caused by Arteriviruses
What is the order of arteriviruses,
What are the characteristics of g...,
What is the meaning of monocistronic
22  cards
What is the order of coronaviruses,
What are the major properties of ...,
What is sub genomic rna
21  cards
Name three properties of paramyxo...,
How many proteins does the paramy...,
Name three ways paramyxovirdae ca...
14  cards
Musculoskeletal Pathology I
What is the skeleton,
What are the two major factors th...,
How does bone modelling occur
62  cards
Musculoskeletal Pathology II
What is a pathological fracture,
What is a compound fracture,
What is a communiated fracture
17  cards
Musculoskeletal Pathology III
Name three cytoarchitectural chan...,
What is the chronic myopathic change,
What is segmental necrosis
35  cards
Parasitic Infections of the MSK I
What is trichinella,
How do people get infected with t...,
How many species of trichinella a...
30  cards
Parasitic Infections of the MSK II
What is sarcocystitis,
What is the definitive host of sa...,
What is the intermediate host of ...
15  cards
Neoplasia of the MSK
1  cards
Joint Pathology I
What are the three different type...,
What is a fibrous joint,
What is syndesmoses
49  cards
What do caliciviruses affect,
2  cards
Gait and Postural abnormalities
What is the definition of lameness,
What can cause lameness,
What are some features of lameness
8  cards
What is the order and family of a...,
What is the genome organisation o...,
What is the arterivirus virion st...
35  cards
Inflammatory airway diseases
What is the definition of inflamm...,
What causes mild inflammatory air...,
What causes recurrent airway obst...
11  cards
MSK neoplasia
Where is the most common place fo...,
What is the reactive zone,
3  cards
Diet in the aetiology of musculoskeletal diseases
Where is taurine found,
What does taurine do to cardiac m...,
What is the fuction of taurine ph...
14  cards

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vms 2004

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