vm745: clinsci i

This class was created by Brainscape user D. M.. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Small Animal GI
What is considered primary gi,
What is considered secondary gi,
What are clinical signs of esopha...
59  cards
Small Animal Liver
What is the main blood supply to ...,
What are the important metabolic ...,
How do onions cause liver toxicity
35  cards
Small Animal Parasitology
What can a fecal flotation detect,
What can a wet mount detect,
What can a rectal cytology detect
43  cards
Small Animal Dentistry
Define homodont,
Define elodont
97  cards
Equine Dentistry
Clinical vs reserve crown,
Apical vs occlusal vs radicular,
Buccal vs labial vs lingual vs pa...
39  cards
Equine Nutrition
What are the first steps to take ...,
What are the caloric requirements...,
How can caloric intake be adjuste...
19  cards
Esophageal Disease
Differentials for hypersalivation,
What are the clinical signs assoc...,
How is the esophagus examined
13  cards
Gastric Disease
What are the components of the eq...,
What are the aggressive vs protec...,
What provides input to parietal c...
10  cards
Liver Disease
What are liver specific enzymes,
What are liver associated enzymes,
What are the general clinical sig...
13  cards
Proinflammatory mediators,
Tnf alpha,
What effect do endotoxins have on...
9  cards
Intestinal Disease
Small intestine disease clinical ...,
Large intestine disease clinical ...,
What are the clinical signs assoc...
21  cards
Ppid signalment,
Ppid clinical signs,
What are the testing recommendati...
16  cards
Bvd clinical signs,
6 specific functions effects of p...,
Four different functional causes ...
19  cards

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vm745: clinsci i

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