This class was created by Brainscape user D. M.. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Introduction to Pathology (Exam 1)
Define pathology,
Define disease,
Define pathogenesis
36  cards
Cell Injury (Exam 1)
Cellular response and consequence...,
What does injury at one site lead to,
When do morphologic changes occur
57  cards
Necrosis (Exam 1)
Define necrosis,
What may necrosis affect,
What are the 2 concurrent process...
28  cards
Programmed Cell Death (Exam 1)
What processes produce inflammation,
What processes don t produce infl...,
Define apoptosis
26  cards
Pigments, Cellular Deposits, Amyloid, & Mineralization (Exam 1)
What are the 3 things that enlarg...,
What are russel bodies,
Define hyaline
25  cards
Disturbances of Circulation (Exam 1)
What are the 5 disturbances of ci...,
Define hemorrhage,
Define petechia
63  cards
Disorders of Growth II (Exam 2)
Define neoplasia,
Define oma tumor,
Define benign neoplasia
67  cards
Hemostasis (Exam 1)
Define hemostasis,
What is responsible for normal he...,
What does loss of control of hemo...
40  cards
0  cards
Inflammation (Exam 2)
Define inflammation,
Is inflammation an innate or adap...,
What type of response is the infl...
34  cards
Suppurative & Eosinophilic Inflammation (Exam 2)
What do neutrophils respond to,
What are the general characterist...,
What is the metabolism of neutrop...
31  cards
Chronic & Granulomatous Inflammation (Exam 2)
What reactions are mast cells ass...,
What do mast cells stain like,
Where are mast cells found
22  cards
Healing and Repair (Exam 2)
What are the 3 ways in which heal...,
When does replacement by fibrous ...,
What 2 factors affect healing
21  cards
Disorders of Growth I (Exam 2)
What is required for maintenance ...,
What 3 things cause enlargement o...,
Define cell proliferation
43  cards
Glossary of Inflammation (Exam 2)
130  cards
Exam 2 Objectives Only (Exam 2)
Characteristics of neutrophils,
Characteristics of macrophages,
Characteristics of lymphocytes
63  cards
0  cards
Disturbances of Growth 3 (Exam 3)
What are the 3 phases of carcinog...,
Define cellular immortality,
What growth control genes malfunc...
24  cards
Disturbances of Growth (4) (Exam 3)
Define clonal selection,
Define tumor latency,
Define angiogenesis
23  cards
Disturbances of Growth (5) (Exam 3)
What are the direct effects of tu...,
What are the paraneoplastic effec...,
What is the significance of paran...
14  cards
Disturbances of Growth (6) (Exam 3)
Define tumor grading,
Define tumor staging,
Differentiate between tumor gradi...
6  cards
Tumor Immunology (Exam 3)
What is the general premise behin...,
What molecule is the central medi...,
What are the 3 broad classes of s...
32  cards
Biotechnology (Exam 3)
How is dna manipulated to form re...,
What are plasmids and how are the...,
What is the fundamental utility o...
18  cards
Genetics (Exam 3)
Define euploidy,
Define aneuploidy,
Define monosomy
22  cards

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vm640: biology of disease

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