venture capital

This class was created by Brainscape user veronique monet. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Class 1 - Valuation
What is a venture capital fund,
Which type of investors does a ve...,
Why do vc funds exclude retail in...
29  cards
Class 2 - Valuation continued
What is arzacs free cash flow method,
Name the concepts of the cost of ...,
Describe what is the opportunity ...
24  cards
Class 3 - Valuation continued
Describe real options and game th...,
What are the 2 vc methods,
What is the adjustment for the di...
7  cards
Class 4 - Valuation continued
Explain the real options with the...,
What are the contributors to the ...,
Option value with the binomial tree
11  cards
Class 5 - Valuation continued
What are the vc goals,
What are the 2 factors of value c...,
What is the main financial criterion
15  cards
Class 6 - Choice of financing
What is m ms theory on optimal ca...,
What is myers theory,
What is jensen meckling theory
20  cards
Class 7 - Choice of financing continued
Explain the situation of ftq in c...,
Explain the relevance of creating...,
Should we admitthat governments h...
8  cards
Class 8 - Choice of financing and institutionnal relations
What can be said about the match ...,
Ipo or acquisition,
What is exit a function of
16  cards
Class 9 - Choice of financing and institutionnal relations
What is the framework in capital ...,
What is the framework in private ...,
Structuring a limited partnership
10  cards
Class 10 - Choice of financing and relations
What are the issues with an ipo,
What are the 3 outs,
Explain why the stock market suit...
23  cards
Class 11 - Financial distress
Why care about financial distress...,
Explain the 10 reasons to care,
Caveats to distress analysis
6  cards
Class 12 - VC activism and compensation
What is governance,
What is the fundamental issue,
2 types of solutions
18  cards

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venture capital

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