This class was created by Brainscape user Karen Fouad. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Functional Unit Of Kidney
The kidney recieve of co,
Mention components of homeostatic...,
Renal failure effect on electroly...
11  cards
Renal Blood Flow & Glomerular Filtration
The glomerulus is specialized for,
Why is glomerulus pressure high w...,
Gr peritubular capillaries have l...
24  cards
Renal Plasma Clearance
Define clearnace state its equation,
Inulin clearnace is equal to whil...,
The subtance with c more than glu...
12  cards
Proximal Convoluted Tubules
In paracellular pathway substance...,
In 2ry active transport given an ...,
How does the passage of water sol...
36  cards
Loop Of Henle, DCT, Collecting Tubules
Of na cl of water of hco3 is reab...,
Gr k appears in urine although it...,
Gr ascending loopf if henle in kn...
19  cards
Urine Concentration
Gr the system in loop of henle va...,
What is the counter current multi...,
Gr ascending loop of henle reciev...
8  cards
Regulation Of ECF
Ecf osmolarity maintains while vo...,
Describe correction of hyper or h...,
Describe peripheral mechanism of ...
28  cards
Acid-Base Balance
Normal h conc is ph of arterial b...,
Describe effect of changes in h c...,
Mention sources of blood h
30  cards
Male Reproductive System
Spermatogenesis takes about,
Describe the role of the followin...,
What is effect of high prl level ...
37  cards
Female Reproductive System
The duration of cycle range is wi...,
One 2ry follicle more rapidly on ...,
What is the function of estrogen ...
41  cards
Gestation, Partiration, Lactation
Period of gestation from concepti...,
Fertilization takes place in the ...,
Mention factors that enhnce sperm...
32  cards

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urogenital physiology

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