This class was created by Brainscape user Amelia Watson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Week 1 - Reproduction: Embryology
Embryology describe how the cloac...,
Embryology when does the yolk sac...
66  cards
Week 1 - Male Reproductive System
State the names of the features o...,
Testis what is the function of th...,
Testis where are the testis locat...
99  cards
Week 1 - Male and Female Physiology
0  cards
Week 1 - Female Reproductive System
0  cards
Week 2 - Non-Pregnant Oestrus Cycle
What is the oestrus cycle,
State 3 ways the oestrus cycle ca...,
Describe the oestrus cycle in ter...
60  cards
Week 2 - Species Differences in Oestrus Cycle
State the average length of oestr...,
State the average duration of oes...,
For cow oestrus is short how long...
31  cards
Week 3 - Pregnancy
Where in the female reproductive ...,
53  cards
URO - Week 1 ***
Male reproductive anatomy non-postered
30  cards
GI - Week 1
enzymes lectures
16  cards
URO - Week 1/2
Oestrus Cycle information
32  cards
Week 2 - Reproduction in Birds - COMPLETE *** FOR REVISION PERIOD
revision summary
31  cards
Group 3 - set 1/3 - Implantation and Placentation function - Revision Period stuff COMPLETE ****
How is the placenta formed,
Describe the development of the e...,
What is the function of the amnion 4
38  cards
Group 3- set 2/3- Placental Function - revision period - COMPLETE ****
State 6 functions of the placenta,
State the overall pattern of grow...,
Nutrient and gaseous exchange how...
29  cards
Group 3- set 3/3 - Pregnancy Complications - revision period COMPLETE ****
State the 3 possible types of emb...,
Early embryonic death when does t...,
Early embryonic death what classe...
58  cards
Group 1 - set 1/4 - Male Repro Anatomy COMPLETE***
State the names of the features o...,
Testis where are the testis locat...,
Testis what is the name given to ...
49  cards
Group 1 - Set 2/4 - Female Repro Anatomy COMPLETE ***
Ovary what makes up the cortex wh...,
Ovary where are the follicles pri...,
Which internal genital organs hav...
38  cards
Group 1 - 4/4 Birth to Puberty and CC - COMPLETE ***
Testis descent when does it norma...,
Testis descent describe the event...,
Testis descent state the names of...
25  cards
Group 1 - Set 3/4 - Embryology of Urogenital system COMPLETE ***
Embryology describe how the cloac...,
Embryology what are the 3 divisio...,
Intermediate mesoderm what 3 bila...
19  cards
Group 2 - Sperm to Establishment of Preg - COMPLETE***
What is spermatogenesis,
Spermatogenesis state the names o...
96  cards
Group 4 - Parturition and Post Party Period COMPLETE***
When does parturition occur,
Which hormone primarily controls ...,
What is the consequence of foetal...
80  cards
Group 5 - Mammary glands and Lactation
Mammary glands from which tissue ...,
Mammary glands pre natal mammogen...,
Mammary glands where do these gla...
23  cards

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