This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Thomson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Lecture 1: Urinary System Embryology
Which structures compose the adul...,
Which embryological tissue gives ...,
What is allantois
20  cards
Lecture 2: Physiology of Kidney - Filtration, Reabsorption, and Secretion
What is the normal gfr,
What arteriole supplies the glome...,
What arteriole drains the glomerulus
26  cards
Lecture 3: Physiology of Kidney - Regulation of Osmolality
Which hormone controls water regu...,
Discuss the factors controlling a...,
What is the normal plasma osmolality
9  cards
Lecture 4: Physiology of Kidney - ECF Volume Regulation
What are the major ecf osmoles ca...,
What is the major icf osmoles cau...,
Describe the renal response to a ...
8  cards
Lecture 5: Physiology of Kidney - Acid Base Balance
What is the normal ph of arterial...,
Define metabolic acidosis,
List the causes of metabolic acid...
16  cards
Lecture 6: Physiology of Micturition and Assessment of Renal Function
What is micturition,
Describe the control of the stora...,
The bladder and internal urethral...
22  cards
Lecture 7: Pathology of UTI's
Describe the presentation of uti,
List the bacteriostatic propertie...,
Which parts of the urinary tract ...
17  cards
Lecture 8: Glomerular Disease (Pathology)
What is the glomerular membrane f...,
What is the name given to a tree ...,
Which substances leave the effere...
22  cards
Lecture 9: Presentations of Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract
Which structures compose the uppe...,
Which structures compose the lowe...,
Aetiology of renal diseases
36  cards
Lecture 10: Radiology of the Renal Tract
List the indications for renal im...,
What are the advantages and disad...,
What is pyelography
21  cards
Lecture 11: Chronic Kidney Disease
How do we classify chronic kidney...,
How do we assess kidney filtering...,
Chronic kidney disease definition
8  cards
Lecture 12: Urinary Tract Infection
Clinical features of uti in children,
Clinical features of uti in adults,
If pain occurs at the initiation ...
9  cards
Lecture 13: Acute Kidney Injury
Kdigo definition for acute kidney...,
Aki epidemiology,
Aki pre renal causes
14  cards
Lecture 14: Glomerulonephritis
Glomerulonephritis features,
Nephrotic syndrome definition,
Nephrotic disease is characterise...
19  cards
Lecture 15: Benign Diseases of the Prostate and Urinary Tract Obstruction
Http what is the average size of ...,
Definition of benign prostatic hy...,
Bph aetiology
32  cards
Lecture 16: Tumours of the Urinary System
What is the most common cancer di...,
Prostate cancer aetiology and ris...,
Which of mcneal s prostatic zones...
54  cards
Lecture 17: Clinical Pharmacology in Renal Disease
List the drugs which can cause po...,
Which drugs can cause nephrotic s...,
What is the main cause of aki in ...
3  cards
Lecture 18: Urolithiasis
Urolithiasis definition,
What is renal colic,
What are modifiable risk factors ...
18  cards
Lecture 19: The Kidneys in Systemic Disease
Pathophysiology of diabetes effec...,
Increasing proteinuria is usually...,
What is the most common cause of ...
13  cards
Lecture 20: Renal Replacement Therapy
List the functions of the kidneys,
Clinical features of advanced ckd,
What egfr value is renal replacem...
33  cards
Lecture 21: Organ Donation
1  cards

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urinary system

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