This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie Pitcairn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

What are the 3 basic renal processes,
What is filtration,
Explain kidney blood flow
35  cards
Reabsorption and Secretion
Describe the starling s forces in...,
Explain substances reabsorbed by ...,
What is renal threshold
37  cards
Loop of Henle
What is the function of the proxi...,
How much protein particularly alb...,
Describe drugs and pollutants and...
35  cards
Regulation of Osmolarity
What is water regulation controll...,
Describe adh,
What is the primary control of ad...
44  cards
Regulation of ECF Volume - Pt 1
What are the major ecf and icf os...,
What is regulation of ecf volume ...,
What is the distribution of total...
35  cards
Regulation of ECF Volume - Pt 2
What does aldosterone promote,
What does atrial natriuretic pept...,
What happens if aldosterone is gi...
28  cards
Acid Base Balance - Pt 1
Describe acid base balance,
What does acid base disturbances ...,
What is the ph of arterialised blood
52  cards
Acid Base Balance - Pt 2
What do respiratory and renal dis...,
Describe respiratory acidosis,
What are the acute causes for res...
38  cards
Renal Assessment and Micturition
What are 2 clinical situations wh...,
What is the total gfr,
Describe the measurement of gfr
40  cards
Pathology of Urinary Tract Infection
What is the common presentation o...,
What is renal blood flow equal to,
How does urine output change with...
35  cards
Glomerular Disease Pathology
Where does blood enter the glomer...,
What are podocytes,
What does the filter barrier of t...
11  cards
Presentation of Diseases of Kidney and Urinary Tract
What does the upper urinary tract...,
What does the lower urinary tract...,
What is the nature of renal diseases
50  cards
Radiology of the Renal Tract
Describe an anatomical overview o...,
Describe the ureters,
What are the points of narrowing ...
22  cards
Chronic Kidney Disease
What are some of the main functio...,
How do we assess for kidney disease,
What is the gfr
30  cards
Urinary Tract Infections
What are the types of urinary tra...,
Explain the incidence of utis,
What are some general predisposin...
23  cards
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
What is the current definition of...,
What are the stages of aki,
What is the incidence of aki
26  cards
What is glomerulonephritis,
What does diagnosis of glomerulon...,
What are the glomerulonephritis f...
32  cards
Benign Diseases of the Prostate
What is the average size of the p...,
What are the mcneal s prostatic z...,
What are some benign prostate dis...
39  cards
Urinary Tract Obstruction
What is included in upper tract t...,
What is included in lower tract t...,
What are some intrinsic causes of...
26  cards
Prostate and Testicular Cancer
What is the epidemiology of prost...,
Describe prostate mortality in th...,
What are some risk factors for pr...
56  cards
Urothelial and Renal Cancers
What are the sites of urothelial ...,
What is the pathology of bladder ...,
What are the risk factors for tra...
41  cards
Clinical Pharmacology and Renal Disease
What is the therapeutic index,
What does it mean if the drug has...,
What is the measurement of clearance
31  cards
What is the relative incidence of...,
What is the common stone types,
What are the symptoms and signs o...
25  cards
Kidneys in Systemic Disease
What cardiovascular problems can ...,
How does diabetes contribute to r...,
What infections can contribute to...
25  cards
Renal Replacement Therapy
What are the functions of the kid...,
What is the definition of end sta...,
What are the clinical features of...
48  cards
Describe a uti,
What are the symptoms of uti in c...,
What are the symptoms of a uti in...
14  cards

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urinary system

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