urinalysis and body fluids 4214

This class was created by Brainscape user Sarah King. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Exam 1: Lecture 1- Quality Assurance, Urine Specimen Types
Most labs are regulated under an ...,
How does clia 88 divide labs and ...,
What are the two parts of a typic...
59  cards
Exam 1: Lecture 2
Crucial functions of the kidneys,
Where is the glomeruli located,
The ________ contains the majorit...
70  cards
Urinalysis LAB - Exam 1
What are the terms that could be ...,
What are the terms that could be ...,
What should not be reported on in...
119  cards
Exam 1: Lectures 3 & 4
What are the three systems that a...,
In acidic blood conditions h ions...,
In acidotic conditions ammonia di...
73  cards
Exam 2: Review
Ph will _________ in the presence...,
If the urine is left at room temp...,
Urine creatinine concentrations a...
69  cards
LAB- Microscopic Examination
Brightfield microscope contrast i...,
Requires a special condenser and ...,
Used for examining lipid material...
166  cards
Exam 2: Renal and Urinary Tract Diseases
Most common outpatient infection,
Utis can lead to pregnancy compli...,
Most common etiologic agent of utis
110  cards
Reagent for ph,
Reagents for specific gravity,
Reagents for blood
10  cards
Test 3: Chemical Examination of Urine
Reagent strips are a color what,
What are the two types of reagent...,
Reagent strips provide a
119  cards
Test 3: Review
What are the handling requirement...,
Why is it important to mix specim...,
What happens when a urine specime...
120  cards
LAB EXAM 2: Body Fluids
What are the three major types of...,
The epithelial cell exterior ofch...,
Produced constantly in brain chor...
93  cards
Exam 4: Review
Transudate or exudate,
Transudate or exudate,
Transudate or exudate
120  cards
Physical Examination Of Urine Test 2
Best practic analyze fresh or sui...,
Urine samples to be rejected,
Specimen integrity
58  cards
Metabolic disorders
Introduction to metabolic disorders,
Cystinuria defective what and wha...,
Cystinuria defective proteins
24  cards

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urinalysis and body fluids 4214

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