This class was created by Brainscape user Hello kitty. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Introduction to medical genetics 1. recognize the importance of genetics in medicine today 2. describe how mutations in various biochemical pathways can lead to disease 3. discuss classic biochemical disease including albinism, PKU, tay sachs and collagen disorders
27  cards
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29  cards
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21  cards
MCP 10
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23  cards
MCP 15&16
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43  cards
1. discuss the principle of mitosis, meiosis and gametogenesis 2. describe the chromosomal basis of inheritance and the basic structure of chromosomes 3. explain sex determination and to have a working knowledge of X inactivation and reactivation
35  cards
1. Discuss the different types of numerical and structural chromosome abnormalities and explain how they are important clinically 2. describe syndromes resulting from chromosomal aneuplodies 3. describe the clinical significance of trans locations, deletions, duplication and inversions
35  cards
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21  cards
1. discuss and apply the principles of imprinting, imprinting failure, disomy, isodisomy and heterodisomy in clinical practice 2. compare and contrast prader-willi and angelman syndromes, including the biological causes and the relationship to chromosomal abnormalities imprinting and UPD 3. discuss epigenetics and explain how epigenetic modifications are related to disease
16  cards
MCP 11
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21  cards

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unit 7

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