unit 5 middle ages

This class was created by Brainscape user Brynn Vernon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

middle ages
12  cards
Study guide flashcards unit 5
1 what was the effect of the hund...,
In europe the social system depen...,
How did the longbow have an advan...
24  cards
Science-Flower parts
The process of reproduction in fl...,
All of the following are parts of...,
The male reproductive part of a f...
16  cards
Booklet answers for the flower test
Which best describes plant pollin...,
Which two parts of a flower are r...,
Where does fertilization take pla...
15  cards
Unit 6 Islam and Africa vocab words
29  cards
End of unit test for Islam and Africa
The moors invaded spain but throu...,
What effect did invasions have on...,
Timbuktu s was known for what
25  cards
Unit 7 vocab words
Man made steps for farming agricu...
13  cards
Science test food chains
What effect would a drought have ...,
Why are plants less likely to gro...,
What do herbivores and carnivores...
11  cards
Social studies test lessons 1 and 2
Who were the first people to sett...,
In addition to being famous for c...,
The most important crop grown by ...
18  cards
Lesson 4 Module 18 quiz questions
The religions of the olmec s maya...,
Did the inca have a centralized g...,
Did the maya have a centralized g...
19  cards
Module 18 unit 7
How did the arrival of the europe...,
What accomplishment in math did b...,
What did the incan system of road...
25  cards
Science key terms for space unit&quiz
Celestial bodies that are moving ...,
Large objects made of dust and ic...,
Small rocky objects that orbit th...
6  cards
Module 20 lesson 1 quiz
The term renaissance meansand ref...,
Some italian cites were well posi...,
Why did many merchants grow so ri...
10  cards
Unit:8 Vocabulary list
A time after the middle ages that...,
Highlighting human value and achi...,
Making connections to early life ...
13  cards
Unit 8 lesson 2 quiz
During the middle ages most peopl...,
What is meant by the term renaiss...,
The method creating an image that...
10  cards
Unit 8 lesson of unit
What is the meaning of renaissance,
What is the name of a group of pe...,
What did marco polo do that cause...
19  cards
Science end of unit (Space Unit)
The number of hours of daylight t...,
When it is summer in the united s...,
The rotation of the earth causes
32  cards
Social Studies final
List 3 accomplishments of alexander,
What was the effect of the hundre...,
How did the invasion of spain aff...
22  cards
Science final study guide
I have 100 ml milliliters of wate...,
During a sunshiny day the sidewal...,
When materials are heated thermal...
28  cards

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unit 5 middle ages

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