unit 3 (business decisions)

This class was created by Brainscape user Laycee Jesson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

What are strategic business decis...,
What are tactical decisions,
What are operational decisions
9  cards
What are the internal factors to ...,
What are the external factors to ...,
What does attitude to risk mean
7  cards
Different types of information,
What are the advantages of intern...,
What are the advantages of extern...
17  cards
What does reliability mean,
What information is used to make ...,
What does bias mean
9  cards
What is gross profit,
What is net profit,
What is break even
11  cards
What are the advantages for using...,
What are the disadvantages for us...,
What are the factors that affect ...
7  cards
What is the equation for unit con...,
What does the unit contribution c...
2  cards
What is cash flow,
What is the equation for net cash...,
What is the equation for closing ...
5  cards
What is investment appraisal,
What is payback,
What are the advantages of payback
11  cards
What are the factors involved in ...,
How does the size of the workforc...,
How does the skills of the workfo...
10  cards
What are examples of performance ...,
What is absenteeism,
Factors of absenteeism
10  cards
What is market research,
What is competitive analysis,
What data can be used for market ...
4  cards
What is the porter s five forces ...,
What are the porters five forces,
What are the advantages of the po...
20  cards
What considerations are needed wh...,
If the key focus of marketing is ...
2  cards
What are constraints,
What are external constraints,
What are legal constraints
9  cards
What is resource management,
How would you manage physical res...,
How would you manage it resources
8  cards
What are two project management t...,
What is a risk register
2  cards
What is a critical path analysis,
What can a critical path analysis...,
What are the advantages of a crit...
4  cards
What do businesses have to do to ...,
What are internal causes of change,
What are external causes of change
7  cards
What is a contingency plan,
What are the disadvantages of a c...
4  cards
What is an internal organisationa...,
What is an external business envi...,
What is competitor analysis
9  cards
What are different strategies are...,
What is a joint venture,
What is diversification
9  cards
How would you make a business dec...,
What are examples of decision mak...
2  cards
What factors should you use to ju...,
How does appropriateness justify ...,
How does awareness of other persp...
4  cards
Variable costs,
Total costs
12  cards

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unit 3 (business decisions)

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