This class was created by Brainscape user Joy Codoy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

CH 1 intro
What are the 8 properties of life,
Describe the organization propert...,
Describe sensitivity and response...
18  cards
CH 2 chem of life
Waht makes up the atom structure,
What are the charges and masses o...,
What makes up the mass of an atom
27  cards
CH3 Cells
Cell theory,
What are the eukaryotics,
What are the prokaryotics
46  cards
CH 4 Cellular Energy
What is biogenetics,
What are the metabolic pathways
22  cards
CH 5 Photosynthesis
What doe photosynthesis release i...,
13  cards
ch 6 & 7 mitosis n meiosis
What is genome,
What is the prokaryotics dna,
What is the eukaryotics
37  cards
ch 8 genetics
What is a characteristic give exm...,
What is a trait,
What is true breeding
15  cards
ch 9 molecular bio n DNA synthesis
What is the general structure of dna,
What are the types of n bases and...,
What are the primes in dna that a...
24  cards
ch 11 Evolution
What is evolution,
What did darwin study re natural ...,
3 principles of natural selection
29  cards
ch 12 Diversity of Life
7  cards
ch 13 Bacteria, Protists, Fungi
What were microbial mats,
Name the extremophiles,
What do all prokayotes have in co...
38  cards
ch 14 Plants
Kingdom plants that can photosynt...,
What are the cell walls of plant ...,
General challenges plants faced m...
37  cards
ch 15 Animals
Main features of animals,
Connective tissue animals,
Epithelial tissue animals
56  cards
ch 19 popu n com
What are populations characterize...,
Methods to estimate population size
36  cards
ch 20+21 biodiversity
Ecosystem ecology,
Food chains,
Apex terteriary trophic level
26  cards
Objectives 11-21
0  cards
Lab Stuff
0  cards

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trends in bio

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