This class was created by Brainscape user Unknown Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

1.1 main types of tourism
Domestic tourism,
1 define inbound outbound tourism...,
Define day trip
6  cards
1.2 main reasons why people travel
Define leisure travel,
Define business travel,
Describe mice amount of ppl lengt...
5  cards
1.3 sustainability in t&t
Define sustainability,
3rs of sustainability,
Define sustainable t t
5  cards
1.4 characteristics of t&t
Define goods define services,
Define perishable,
Define seasonality
6  cards
1.5 types of tourists
Characteristics of leisure tourists,
Characteristics of business tourists,
Special interset tourists charact...
11  cards
1.6 types of destinations
Describe beach and coastal destin...,
Describe rural or countryside,
Describe resorts
8  cards
2.1 scale of t&t
Factors affecting tourism demand,
Describe the economic factors tou...,
Describe the social factors touri...
11  cards
2.2 features and appeals of destinations
Define topographical features,
Features affecting the appeal of ...
2  cards
2.3 destination development & management organizations
The role of organisations involve...,
Management activities of the orga...,
Services provided by these organi...
6  cards
2.4 factors affecting tourism development & management
Factors affecting tourism develop...,
Opportunities constriants of the ...,
7  cards
2.5 managing destinations sustainably
Protect the natural and built env...,
Combat climate change through enc...,
Empower local and indigenous comm...
7  cards
2.6 economic, environmental, sociocultural impacts of t&t
please inhale an extreme amount of carbon monoxide while falling from the big ben thinking your parachute works but it doesnt and you land inside a car with a dog entrapped in it but opened thanks u to falling on it and breaking open the car releasing all the carbon monoxide and resulting in u inhaling it. p.s u died and the dog didn't inhale any he was safe dont worry :)
7  cards
3.1 the role of tourism organizations
What organizations does the t t i...,
Define ancillary servicesgive 2 e...,
What are the 3 types of travel ag...
22  cards
3.2 ways t&t organizations work together
What s an interdependency,
What s an interrelationship
2  cards
3.3 different types of transport & their appeal
Whats a short haul flight,
Air transport,
Water transpot
8  cards
3.4 sustainable developments in t&t
Reduced low emissions,
Sustainable travel choices,
Alternative energy sources
5  cards
3.5 domestic & international travel and transport infrastructure
Transport infrastructure includes,
Interdependency of transport methods,
Define interdepedent transport
11  cards
4.1 Importance of customer service:
Who do dmos deliver customer serv...,
Define potential customer,
Define inbound operator
5  cards
4.2 delivery of customer service
Procedures for handling complaints,
Handling customer enquiries,
Making reservations taking paymen...
4  cards
4.3 provision of customer service for different types of tourists
Define access,
T t organzations provide customer...,
What types of specific needs people
4  cards
4.4 skills required when working in the travel and tourism industry
What are personal skills,
What are interpersonal skills,
Types of training
8  cards
5 destination marketing
What is marketing,
Whats market segmentation,
Whats marketing mix
7  cards
5.1 importance of marketing to t&t organizations
What benefit does marketing and p...,
Market share,
Define customer base
3  cards
5.2 factors affecting marketing
Brand image
4  cards
5.3 the marketing mix
7  cards
5.4 market research & analysis
Whats primary researchit includes,
Secondary researchit includes,
Whats qualitative methods
5  cards
5.5 market segmentation
Whats geographic segmentation,
What s demographic segmentation,
Psychographic segmentation
5  cards

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travel & tourism

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