trace evidence

This class was created by Brainscape user Amira Cooke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Lecture 1: Recap of Trace Evidence
What was locards exchange principle,
What did herbert lon macdonnell s...,
What does trace evidence do
9  cards
Lecture 2: Deep Dive into Trace Evidence
What is inceptive evidence,
What is identification evidence,
What is associative evidence
14  cards
Lecture 3: Spectroscopic Techniques
What are the two types of scattering,
What is elastic scattering raylei...,
What is inelastic scattering raym...
38  cards
Lecture 4: Microscopic techniques
How does wavelength relate to frq...
48  cards
Lecture 5: Microscopic Techniques
What are the general features of ...,
What types of illumantion does a ...,
What is transmitted illumination
74  cards
Lecture 6: Chemometrics
What is chemometrics,
What can chemometrics do,
When did chemometrics first get u...
30  cards
Lecture 7: Chemometrics Part 2
What does pc do if the first prin...,
Pc2 is,
What does pc2 look at
40  cards
Lecture 8: Polymers
What a,
What is a semi synthetic polymer,
What are some examples of natural...
39  cards
Lecture 9: Fibres
What are fibres,
Natural fibres,
21  cards
Lecture 10: Fibres Part 2
Microscopic techniques for fibres,
Micrscopic characteristics natura...,
Microscopic characteristics synth...
28  cards
Lecture 11: Paints and Pigments
Dyes and pigments,
38  cards
Lecture 12: Paints and pigments part 2
Simplified analytical workflow fo...,
Colour perception,
19  cards
Lecture 13: Makeup
Legal definition of cosmetics,
Cosmetic legislationo
12  cards
Lecture 14 - Makeup Part 2
What are interference pigments al...,
What dictates the colour of inter...
16  cards
Lecture 15 & 16 - Hairs
Hair as trace evidence history,
Hair as trace evidence evidential...,
Chemistry of hairs
64  cards
Lecture 17: Advanced evidence types
Glitter vs shimmer,
Recovery considerations for glitter
10  cards
Lecture 18 - Glass
Glass manufacturing,
Glass coating
31  cards
Lecture 19 - Advanced Evidence Types Part 2
What are diatoms,
Why are diatoms great for the planet,
Diatoms history
22  cards
Lecture 20: Advanced Evidence Types Part 3
Forensic geology,
Inorganic fractions,
Organic fractions
38  cards
Lecture 21 - Advanced Evidence Types Part 4
Fluorescence gemstones,
Phosphorescent gemstones,
X ray diffection is used
22  cards
Lecture 22 - Advanced Evidence Types Part 5
Lightbulb filament as trace evidence,
Most modern automotive light bulb...,
Halogen light bulbs
8  cards
Give reasons why the inclusion of...,
What do we mean by the term chemo...,
Explain how raman microspectrosco...
38  cards

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trace evidence

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