tough adjectives

This class was created by Brainscape user Aaron Lee. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Tough Adjectives 01
24  cards
Tough Adjectives 02
Classic timeless something that w...,
Loud brash colors that stick out ...,
31  cards
Tough Adjectives 03
Scattered about papers objects sp...,
Spiky spiked up hair,
Experienced trained
13  cards
Tough Adjectives 04
Hard pressed to do somethingin di...
15  cards
Tough Adjectives 05
Lined with bordered with,
Curvy woman,
Well hung
23  cards
Tough Adjectives 06
Utopian fanciful dream _____ imag...,
Nicked corner of furniture etc wo...,
Hoarsehe was hoarse from screamin...
27  cards
Tough Adjectives 07
Mopey down,
Gloomy dreary,
Bland tasteless
12  cards
Tough Adjectives 08
High stoned,
Shaken up emotionally,
Knocked out
11  cards
Tough Adjectives 09
Built in,
Brand new
14  cards
Tough Adjectives 10
Stretched out,
Stretched out over long
11  cards
Tough Adjectives 11
Tangled up physically strings cor...,
Wrung out drip dried drained,
Fleshy discours jam packed meaty ...
20  cards
Adjectives Masterlist
To be down feeling blue,
To be pushed too hard frustrated
65  cards
Adj Special - Safe
Take cover get to a safe place
25  cards
Organize 01
To be down feeling blue,
To be pushed too hard frustrated
15  cards
Organize 02
Tense person time period situation,
Laid back east to talk to persona...,
On edge more to add
16  cards
Organize 03
Shrunk clothes,
Shrunken person,
Hidden masked concealedconcealed ...
16  cards
Organize 04
Sickening loathsome disgusting th...,
Upside down
17  cards
Organize 05
Overcome buried with work problems,
Misunderstood underappreciated un...
19  cards
Organize 06
Harmless non threatening person a...,
Insensitive lacking tact,
Crude insensitive
20  cards
Organize 07
To be inclined to prone to,
Meathead simp chimp,
Broken formal
19  cards
Organize 08
Testing tough,
Groggy shaken up
19  cards
Organize 09
Shrunken area zone,
Shrunken amount,
Sprawling vast area
17  cards
Organize 10
Sneaky underhandedtricky you have...,
Well taken care of,
Poorly taken care of
17  cards
Organize 11
Enslaved subjugatedall the advanc...,
Ecoeurant e ek t adj nourriture s...
12  cards
Adjectives - Slang
To be on a bad path to be going d...
1  cards
Organize 0011
Staggered dumbfoundedi can t beli...,
To not be fond of someone i m not...,
To be heavy hearted
31  cards
Organize 0012
Tipsy a bit drunk,
Encombrant e k b t adj paquet cum...,
To be on the run
14  cards
Organize 13
Equipped with complete with,
Sticking up standing on end hair ...,
Unbearable heat smell situation s...
16  cards
Organize 14
Crooked kr k d 1 adj line stick b...,
To be particular about something ...,
Level headed calmly but firmly
16  cards
Organize 15
Unpure wicked unholy heathen,
Chubby flabby,
Expensive rare alternative boys s...
3  cards

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tough adjectives

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