tort law

This class was created by Brainscape user Frederic Harnisch. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Topic 2: Negligence, DoC, and Actionable Damage
What are the elements of negligence,
What is actionable damage,
What are the 3 roles of doc
17  cards
Topic 3: Pure Economic Loss
What are the 3 elements to establ...,
What does the case of hedley byrn...,
What are the limits of the doctri...
4  cards
Topic 4: Pure Omissions
How can one be liable for omissions,
What is the key case for assumed ...,
What is the key case for preventi...
5  cards
Topic 5: Pure Pyschiatric Injury
When can a d owe a doc for psychi...,
What is the key case for primary ...,
What were the three categories of...
6  cards
Topic 6: Trespass to Land
Is trespass to land actionable or...,
What are the elements of the tort,
Limits to the element of land
8  cards
Topic 7: Private Nuisance
What are the elements of private ...,
What sorts of damage are required...,
Who can sue under private nuisance
6  cards
Topic 7.5: Rylands v Fletcher
What are the defences for the tort,
What are the elements of the tort
2  cards
Topic 8: OLA 1957
What does the ola 1957 concern,
What are the necessary prerequisi...,
How is a lawful entrant defined
6  cards
Topic 8.5: OLA 1984
What does the ola 1984 concern,
When does the d owe a doc to an u...,
When will a d face liability for ...
5  cards
Topic 9: Privacy
Is there a general tort for invas...,
What are the two key current tort...,
What are the elements for misuse ...
4  cards
Topic 9.5: Defamation
What are the two different types ...,
What are the elements of defamation,
How is it decided if a statement ...
6  cards
Topic 10: Passing Off
What is passing off,
Is an intent to deceive required,
What case is the origin of the tort
5  cards
Topic 10.5: Public Nuisance
What is public nuisance,
Is protesting a public nuisance
2  cards
Topic 11: Liability for Defective Products
Does this tort invoke absolute li...,
Who can bring a claim under this ...,
What is the difference between a ...
5  cards
Topic 12: Intentional Torts
What are the four primary intenti...,
What are the elements for battery,
What are the elements of assault
9  cards
Topic 13: Employers' Liability
What is the difference between nd...,
Are ndd and vl torts,
Is the duty in ndd positive or ne...
8  cards
Topic 14: Defences
What are the general defences tha...,
What is the illegality defence ap...,
What are the three subsections of...
8  cards
Topic 15: Remedies
What are the two main forms of re...,
What are the types of damages,
What are the types of injunctions
9  cards

More about
tort law

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