tooth morphology

This class was created by Brainscape user Bailey Zimmerman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

What is morphology,
What is physiology,
Function of incisors
10  cards
Maxillary Central Incisor Arch Traits
Width of max incisor compared to ...,
What features are prominent,
Root dimensions
29  cards
Maxillary Lateral Incisor Arch Traits
Eruption stage of max l incisor,
At what age is the root completed,
What are the maxillary laterals a...
14  cards
Mandibular Central Incisor Arch Traits
Which mandibular incisor is bigger,
Roots are wider in which directions,
When do the mandibular c incisors...
13  cards
Mandibular Lateral Incisor Arch Traits
What age do the teeth erupt,
What age is the root completed,
Shape of the incisal edge from la...
6  cards
Canine Introduction
Function of canines,
Traits of canine,
Any cusps present
5  cards
Maxillary canine
What age do they erupt,
What age is the root completed,
What part of the tooth is the con...
11  cards
Mandibular Canine
At what age doe the tooth erupt,
At what age is the root completed,
Incisial margin is confined to wh...
13  cards
Maxillary 1 & 2 pre-molar introduction
Are the crowns and roots longer t...,
How many cusps,
Crown is wider in which direction
4  cards
Maxillary 1st Pre-molar Arch Traits
At what age do they erupt,
At what age is the root completed,
Which cusp is bigger and by how much
17  cards
Maxillary 2nd Pre-Molar Arch Traits
At what age do they erupt,
At what age is root completed,
Buccal cusp size compared to 1st ...
10  cards
Mandibular 1st Pre-molar Arch Traits
Do the cusps have any resemblance,
Mesial distal width compared to b...,
Which direction are the buccal pr...
18  cards
Mandibular 2nd Pre-molar Arch Traits
At what age do they erupt,
At what age is the root completed,
What are the 2 forms and characte...
15  cards
Maxillary 1st Molar Arch Traits
At what age do they erupt,
At what age is the root completed,
How many cusps and are they the s...
16  cards
Maxillary 2nd molar arch traits
At what age do they erupt,
At what age is the root completed,
What is the one major difference ...
10  cards
Maxillary 3rd molar arch traits
At what age do they erupt,
At what age is the root completed,
What is usually missing from this...
6  cards
Mandibular 1st molar arch traits
What age does the tooth erupt,
At what age does the tooth erupt,
What 3 cusps are visible from the...
12  cards
Mandibular 2nd molar arch traits
At what age do they erupt,
At what age is the root completed,
What creates equal sized cusps
12  cards
Mandibular 3rd molar arch traits
What age do they erupt,
At what age is the root completed,
How many cusps visible from the b...
4  cards
Overview of Primary teeth
How many primary teeth,
What three annotations can be used,
Central incisors eruption age
28  cards
Why is it called the temporomandi...,
3 tmj function,
Tmj innervated by what cranial nerve
19  cards
Sequence of complex reflex,
Anticipatory phase,
Oral phase
13  cards
Histology of Salivary Glands
3 major salivary glands and what ...,
3 characteristics of salivary glands,
Characteristics of von ebners glands
13  cards
Enamel hypoplasia,
Enamel hypocalcification,
Enamel decalcification
16  cards
Intra arch alignment,
Interarch alignment
26  cards

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tooth morphology

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