This class was created by Brainscape user Chris Howlett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Unit 1 - Approaches to software development
What is a system,
A successful software projectmust,
What is a sociotechnical system
65  cards
Unit 2 - Requirements concepts
Which parties will be involved du...,
Why is specifying the requirement...,
List the main properties requirem...
69  cards
Unit 3 - From domain modelling to requirements
What is the function of business ...,
From a typical business descripti...,
Verification is
42  cards
Unit 4 - The case study: part 1
What are the main differences bet...,
Consider the required characteris...,
In the volere template in section...
4  cards
Unit 5 - Structural Modelling
What does the conceptual model ai...,
What is the main difference betwe...,
In domain structure models what a...
43  cards
Unit 6 - Dynamic Modelling - from analysis to design
Preconditions postconditions and ...,
What are the four main advantages...,
In the analysis phase of system d...
41  cards
Unit 7 - More on dynamic modelling - states and activities
Uml has a more structured way of ...,
Why must the conditions on a mess...,
Figure 2 shows two conditional me...
45  cards
Unit 8 - The case study: part 2
What are the the characteristics ...,
A class diagram involved what tasks
2  cards
Unit 9 - Architecture, patterns and reuse
What is software architecture,
A popular architecture for websit...,
Suggest a reason why choosing the...
41  cards
Unit 10 - Building blocks and enterprise architectures
Whats is cbd,
What are the two types of interfa...,
Think of another concept that use...
43  cards
Unit 11 - Product quality: verification, metrics and testing
What does tdd test driven develop...,
What advantage does running all t...,
How does tdd help the design process
43  cards
Unit 12 - The case study: part 3
List the architectural styles and...,
What levels of visibility can att...
2  cards

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