tintinalli section 9 - gastrointestinal emergencies

This class was created by Brainscape user Jerusha Millar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

S09C74 - Acute Abdominal Pain
Visceral abdo pain,
Parietal pain somatic,
Referred pain
39  cards
S09C75 - Nausea and Vomiting
Receptors involved in triggering ...,
Broad differential for n v,
3  cards
S09C76 - Diarrhea
Dfn diarrhea,
Intestional function,
Acute diarrhea
32  cards
S09C77 - Acute and Chronic Constipation
Constipation rome criteria,
Constipation causes acute,
Constipation causes chronic
9  cards
S09C78 - Upper GIB
Defn of ugib,
Ugib causes,
Ugib investigations
6  cards
S09C79 - LGIB
Lgib defn,
Lgib common causes,
Lgib factors assoc with high morb...
9  cards
S09C80 - Esophageal emergencies, GERD, Swallowed FB
How long is the esophagus,
3 constrictions of esophagus,
Dysphagia 2 types
30  cards
S09C81 - PUD and gastritis
Pud etiology
9  cards
S09C82 - Pacreatitis and Cholecystitis
Pancreatitis causes,
Pacreatitis pathophys,
Pancreatitis rx causes
23  cards
S09C83 - Hepatic disorders, jaundice, hepatic failure
Liver function,
Hepatic encephalopathy
15  cards
S09C84 - Acute appendicitis
Appendix position in a malrotated...,
Scoring systems for appendicitis,
Appendicitis imaging
5  cards
S09C85 - Diverticulitis
Diverticulosis pathophys,
Diverticulitis presentation,
Diverticulitis dx
8  cards
S09C86 - Bowel obstruction and volvulus
Common causes of bowel obstruction,
9  cards
S09C87 - hernias
Strangulated hernia,
Hernias types,
Ddx groin mass
3  cards
S09C88 - Anorectal disorders
Anorectal abscess,
14  cards
S09C89 - GI Procedures and Devices
Blakemore tube,
5  cards
S09C90 - Complications of General Surgical Procedures
Respiratory complications,
Gu complications
17  cards

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tintinalli section 9 - gastrointestinal emergencies

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