This class was created by Brainscape user anna frykfors von hekkel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (40)

1. Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology
What is the only distinction betw...,
What is the relationshiop between...,
Formula for energy of em radiation
36  cards
2. Digital Radiographic Imaging
What is the typical size of a dic...,
Define spatial resolution what fe...,
What is the formula for calculati...
23  cards
3. Dental technique
What are the terms mesial and dis...,
List 3 methods for reducing radio...,
Using the parallel intraoral tech...
8  cards
4. Physics of Ultrasound
Define fre,
What is the range of human hearin...,
What effect do stiffness and phys...
30  cards
5. Principles of CT and MRI
What are the 2 primary advantages...,
What is generally considered to b...,
What are the advantages of helica...
33  cards
6. Contrast media
What is the effective atomic numb...,
What advantages make barium a goo...,
What complications contraindicati...
34  cards
7. Intro to radiographic interpretation
Explain the difference between op...,
Define contrast resolution
2  cards
8. Radiographic anatomy of axial skeleton
Label dv nasal,
Label rostrodorsal caudodorsal ob...
10  cards
9 - Principles of Interpretation of Axial skeleton
Ancillary projections of the skull,
Which projection is best used to ...,
Which projection is best used to ...
16  cards
10 - Canine and Feline dental disease
Know your tooth surfaces buccal l...,
Describe the labial orientation m...,
Which teeth in the dog and cat ha...
65  cards
11. Nasal cavity
What are the three different skul...,
Describe three key anatomical are...,
Describe features of the vomer bone
37  cards
12. MRI Brain
How does gadolinium work,
What specific adverse reaction di...,
What are general features of prot...
47  cards
14. XR Vertebrae
What type of joints are articular...,
Describe x anatomical features of c1,
Describe x unique features of c2
41  cards
15. CT / MR Spine
What do the longitudinal ligament...,
Why is root signature more common...,
Where are the intercapital ligame...
69  cards
16. Radiographic anatomy of appendicular skeleton
Label mediolateral shoulder,
Label mediolateral humerus,
Label caudocranial humerus
28  cards
17. Principles Appendicular skeleton
What are oblique images indicated...,
What angle of obliquity is typica...,
What are the three features used ...
5  cards
18. Orthopaedic Diseases of Young and Growing Dogs and Cats
Pathophysiology of osteochondrosi...,
List common sites of ocd,
What is a kissing lesion
51  cards
19. Fracture Healing and Complications in Dogs
List 5 types of bone,
Function of periosteum,
List the 3 types of bone cell
48  cards
20. Bone tumours and infections
Which portion of the bone is typi...,
What is the most common primary b...,
What is the typical age distribut...
21  cards
21. Joint Disease
How does joint space thickness va...,
Radiographic features of joint di...,
List three examples of large accu...
68  cards
28. Principles of interpretation - Thorax
What three factors contribute to ...,
Which cranial lobar vessels are r...,
How does the heart differ between...
6  cards
29. Larynx and trachea
Label the cartilages,
What structures divide the differ...,
Where is the piriform recess
38  cards
30. Oesophagus
List 10 diseases that static posi...,
List 1 indication for pneumooesop...,
List 3 uses for oesophageal scint...
64  cards
31. Thoracic wall
Which breeds have thoracic confor...,
Sternal anomalies have been assoc...,
What is pectus carniatum and what...
12  cards
33. Mediastinum
Name the different parts of the p...,
What structures divide the medias...,
What does the mediastinum communi...
35  cards
32. Diaphragm
What structures embryologically f...,
During queit respiration what of ...,
What reason is given for potenita...
38  cards
34. Pleural Space
Name the different component part...,
Provide 2 reasons why pleural flu...,
Table causes of pleural fluid tra...
17  cards
35. Cardiovascular system (+ extra bits)
List three reasons why rx not acc...,
Which radiographic projections co...,
Describe the vertebral heart scor...
72  cards
36. Lung
Which radiographic technique shou...,
What 3 characteristics of an alve...,
What does a lobar sign describe
31  cards
38. Principles of interpretation - Abdomen
Which lateral should be performed...,
Which rx factors should be used f...
2  cards
Chapter 39 - Peritoneal Space
Which of these structures are int...,
The liver is connected to diaphra...,
The duodenocolic ligament attache...
52  cards
40 - Liver and Spleen
What objective measure of liver s...,
Name 6 nonpathological causes for...,
Mineralisation of the gallbladder...
43  cards
41 - Kidneys and Ureters
Which projection provides more lo...,
At what level are the kidneys ide...,
Detail the radiographic measureme...
40  cards
42 - Urinary Bladder
Name the layers of the urinary bl...,
In what of dogs with perineal her...,
What feature of the urinary bladd...
31  cards
43 / 44 - Urethra / Prostate
Name the different portions of th...,
Where is the feline prostate located,
What volume of contrast is advise...
30  cards
45 - Uterus, Ovaries and Testes
Describe us features of the uteru...,
Aging of pregnancy in dog chorion...,
Also which two measurements are a...
30  cards
46 - Stomach
Omental anatomygreater and lesser...,
In the dog where is the pyloric s...,
What is the normal reported rugal...
35  cards
47 - Small intestine
In what order should three view r...,
Under what age is serosal detail ...,
List two radiographic measures of...
49  cards
48 - Large Bowel
Define anatomical radiographic di...,
Where are the left and right coli...,
What are the boundaries of the re...
22  cards
328  cards

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thrall - thom

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