the church and medieval heresy, 1100-1437

This class was created by Brainscape user dev v s. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (64)

Heresy and Reform in the 12th Century
0  cards
Wandering Preachers
What was the opposition from wand...,
Were the beliefs of the wandering...
5  cards
Tanchelm of Antwerp
Who was tanchelm of antwerp,
What were the themes of tanchelm ...,
What were the counter allegations...
5  cards
Henry the Monk
Who founded the waldensians valde...,
What did henry preach against,
Did henry begin as a reformist
5  cards
Peter of Bruys
Who was peter of bruys,
What did peter argue against,
Where did peter find support
4  cards
Arnold of Brescia
Who was arnold of brescia,
What was arnold s doctrine,
Did arnold s preaching have a pol...
6  cards
Eon de l'Etoile
Who was eon de l etoile,
What happened to eon in 1148,
What did eon convince himself of
5  cards
Cistercians and Bernard of Clairvaux
0  cards
Response to 12th Century Heresies
Who were important in the church ...,
What was the reputation of the ci...,
Against whom did bernard of clair...
7  cards
Waldensians and Lay Religious Movements
0  cards
Early Waldensians
Who founded the waldensians,
When did valdes convert to a life...,
What event inspired valdes to con...
15  cards
Durand Huesca and the Poor Catholics
What were the poor catholics,
Who led the reconciled waldenses ...,
What were the poor catholics prea...
14  cards
The Poor of Lombardy
Where did the waldensians travel ...,
Who worried about the possibility...,
When did the waldensian movement ...
9  cards
Innocent III
How did innocent iii react to the...,
What was innocent iii s policy fo...,
What did innocent iii approve for...
10  cards
Later Waldensiansism
What happened to the waldensian m...,
What was the fate of durand of hu...,
How did the waldensian movement c...
10  cards
The Humiliati
When did the humiliati gain papal...,
What kind of religious life did t...,
How were men and women accommodat...
13  cards
Catherism in the 12th Century
0  cards
The Origins of Catherism
What was bogomilism,
When did a bulgarian priest call ...,
How did the ideas of bogomilism s...
13  cards
Cathar Beliefs and Organisation
What was the cathar belief regard...,
How did the cathars fast,
What was the cathar belief regard...
13  cards
Catharism in England
Who were the cathars in england,
Was this a conscious attempt to c...,
Were these heretics definitely ca...
10  cards
Church Reaction to 12th Century Heresies - Preaching Tours and Sermons
Who played an important role in t...,
What reputation did the cistercia...,
Who did bernard of clairvaux prea...
9  cards
Catharism in the 13th Century
0  cards
The Albigensian Crusade - Detailed
What was catharism,
What led to the albigensian crusade,
What were the consequences of the...
29  cards
The Albigensian Crusade - Flashcards
What was the purpose of the albig...,
Where does the term albigensian c...,
Why did catharism spread effectiv...
32  cards
How successful was the Albigensian Crusade
What were some negatives of the a...,
How did the crusade affect distin...,
Who ultimately benefited from the...
8  cards
Three strands to innocent s appro...,
Early attempts at inquisition in ...
8  cards
The Inquisitorial Process
What was the period of grace in t...,
How were heresy trials conducted,
Why did suspects submit a list of...
9  cards
4. Mysticism, Avignon, Spiritual Franciscans, The Dolcinites
0  cards
How can mysticism be defined,
What was the concern of the churc...,
Who is an example of a christian ...
8  cards
Marguerite Porete
Who was marguerite porete,
What is the name of her mystical ...,
What does her treatise present
11  cards
Returning to Meister Eckhart
Who was meister eckhart,
What was meister eckhart s intere...,
What was the name of marguerite p...
8  cards
Heresy of the Free Spirit
Ad nostrum,
5  cards
The Avignon Papacy and the Great Schism
Popes outside of rome,
Pope clement v,
Avignon papacy
6  cards
The Church and Spiritual Franciscans
Regula bullata,
Quo elongati
17  cards
The Crusade against Dolcino of Navarre, and the Dolcinites
Who founded the order of the apos...,
Where was the order of the aposto...,
What type of lifestyle was gerard...
12  cards
Mendicant Orders
0  cards
0  cards
What is the origin of the dominic...,
What did diego notice about the c...,
What was the purpose of the relig...
11  cards
Beliefs of St Francis
What was the inspiration for the ...,
Who approved francis life of apos...,
What was central to the francisca...
8  cards
Growth and Development of Franciscan Order
Where had the franciscan order sp...,
Who was each province s head mini...,
How effective was the structure o...
5  cards
Establishment of the Third Order
Who did francis message resonate ...,
What are the third orders in the ...,
How did mendicants reach towns an...
6  cards
The Poor Clares
Who were the poor clares inspired by,
Why was it difficult for women to...,
Who formed an ascetic women s com...
6  cards
Importance of the Mendicants in Preaching, Teaching and Inquisition
What was the outlook of the order...,
What is an example of the urban b...,
What did the mendicants teaching ...
10  cards
Split between conventuals and spirituals
What was francis concern with the...,
What step did francis take shortl...,
What was the conflict with franci...
10  cards
Spiritual Franciscans, Apocalyptism and Joachim of Fiore’s Heresy
Who was peter of olivi,
Who was joachim of fiore,
What were joachim of fiore s thre...
7  cards
John Wycliffe and the Lollards, c.1420
0  cards
Wycliffe views and writings
What was wyclif s initial reactio...,
What was wycliffe s belief about ...,
Why did wyclif reject transubstan...
8  cards
Appeal of Wyclifs writings
Who was john wyclif,
Who were bradwardine and fitzroy ...,
What was wyclif s ultrarealist me...
16  cards
Lollardy and 12 Conclusions
What was the significance of the ...,
Who were the lollard knights,
What was the oldcastle s revolt i...
13  cards
Response by the authorities to Wycliffe and Lollards , reasons for the failure of Lollardy
What was the response of the auth...,
What practices became prohibited ...,
What was de heretic comburendo an...
8  cards
3. Hus and the Hussites in Bohemia
0  cards
Wyclif Hus and Bohemian Nationalism Context
What was the background and conte...,
Who was charles iv and what was h...,
Who were some of the reform preac...
12  cards
Wycliffite Influence
What did wyclif s philosophical w...,
What were the anglo bohemian link...,
How did wyclif s ideas appeal to ...
6  cards
Jan Hus
Who was jan hus,
What was hus position on the impo...,
What was hus role at the bethlehe...
7  cards
Turning Point
What was the turning point of the...,
What was the decretal of kunta hora,
When did hus become the symbolic ...
13  cards
Reform to Rejection
What did jan hus do after being e...,
What did jan hus write during his...,
What did the momentum of bohemian...
5  cards
9.6 - The Council of Constance
Who summoned hus to the council o...,
What was the purpose of the counc...,
What happened to hus at the counc...
6  cards
9.7 - Growing Resistance in Bohemia
What became a powerful image to t...,
Who became a key leader of the mo...,
What became the focus point of th...
4  cards
9.7 - Growing Resistance in Bohemia
What became a powerful image to t...,
Who became a key leader of the mo...,
What became the focus point of th...
4  cards
What was the condition set by wen...,
Who were the radical hussite lead...,
What did the wyclifite hussites d...
9  cards
Pope martin v s blunt weapon of c...,
Establishment of new radical huss...,
What were the two important devel...
5  cards
9.10 - Four Articles of Prague
What were the consequences of the...,
Who managed to bring the hussite ...,
What were the four articles of pr...
7  cards
9.11 - The Hussite Wars
What were the hussite wars,
What happened in december 1421,
When did the hussites defeat sigi...
8  cards
9.12 - The Compacts of Basel 1434
What settlement offer was made to...,
What event led to negotiations co...,
What did the hussites agree to in...
6  cards

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the church and medieval heresy, 1100-1437

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