thas 102 communication disorders

This class was created by Brainscape user Robyn Corke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Introduction to Communication Disorders
What is a communication disorder,
When is communication impaired co...,
What are the four areas of commun...
5  cards
Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology
Assessment is the foundation upon...,
Assessment is used to do what 3 t...,
Define stimulability
4  cards
Introduction to Processes Involved in Speech
Define anatomy,
Define physiology,
What are the four main processes ...
12  cards
Laryngeal System
Where is the larynx located,
What is the biological function o...,
What is the speech function of th...
10  cards
Articulatory/Resonating System
The articulatory resonating syste...,
What are articulators,
True or false the mandible lower ...
9  cards
Respiratory System
The primary biological function o...,
Air is expelled in a _________ ma...,
What is the most effective breath...
7  cards
Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders
What are some shared anatomical s...,
What are the 4 phases of swallowing,
True or false oral phase is a vol...
8  cards
Cleft Lip and Palate
A cleft is a ____________,
A typically developing fetus woul...,
The development of the hard and s...
16  cards
Effects of Cleft Palate on Hearing
In normal hearing the eustachian ...,
Children with cleft palate are mo...,
Fluid not draining from the ear a...
3  cards
Auditory System and Hearing Impairment
The four components of the ear are,
The pinna _________ and ___________,
The ear drum also called the ____...
14  cards
Types and Impacts of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss due to an ear infect...,
Conductive hearing loss causes so...,
Sensorineural hearing loss causes...
5  cards
Impacts of Hearing Loss
True or false developmental order...
1  cards
Voice Development and Disorders
The speed at which vocal folds vi...,
The rapidity of vibration of the ...,
Pitch is measured in
34  cards
Fluency Disorders in Children and Adults
What is fluency,
What is dysfluency,
There are two types of stuttering...
12  cards
Developmental Delays In Preschoolers
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the difference between de...,
What is the difference between th...
5  cards
School-Aged Lan. Dis., Learning Dis. and ADHD
True or falselanguage disabilitie...
1  cards
Central Auditory Processing Disorder
What is central auditory processi...,
What are the 5 main problems area...,
By whom is a capd diagnosis asses...
3  cards
Human Nervous System
The nervous system has two major ...,
The central nervous system contai...,
The peripheral nervous system con...
22  cards
What is a stroke,
The two types of strokes are,
Are ischemic or hemorrhagic strok...
18  cards
Aphasia is a characteristic of a ...,
Aphasia is defined as,
Every aphasic client is different...
28  cards
RHI (Right Hemisphere Impairment)
The right hemisphere of the brain...,
Define prosody of speech,
The right brain is responsible for
13  cards
TBI in Adults and Children
0  cards

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thas 102 communication disorders

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