tetrapod evolution

This class was created by Brainscape user Erin Miller. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Introduction into tetrapod evolution
What is tetrapod greek for,
What are tetrapod s in terms of t...,
What are the defining features of...
23  cards
Metabolic rate and homeothermy
Why does body temperature matter,
What is the q10,
Why does speed movement increase ...
26  cards
Metabolic rate and body size
Define basal metabolic rate,
Define standard metabolic rate,
Define resting metabolic rate
21  cards
Avian evolution and the origins of flight
What did padian k 1998 say about ...,
What are sauropsids and diapsids,
What are the main diagnostic char...
24  cards
Dinosaur Palaeobiology
How do veloceraptors differ in re...,
What are some of the problems ass...,
Outline the phylogeny of major di...
13  cards
What are the forces involved in f...,
What are the principles of how bi...,
Describe the main factors which d...
25  cards
What is armour,
Outline the evolutionary converge...,
Outline the structural diversity ...
14  cards
Sea birds - feeding ecology and functional traits
What are the major costs for seab...,
What are the orders of seabirds,
Why is homeotherm such as major c...
20  cards
teeth and jaws
What are some of the functions th...,
How are teeth and jaws vital to e...,
Outline the evolution of early teeth
23  cards
limblessness and venom evolution
What are squamates,
Outline limblessness in squamates,
Outline partial limb loss
19  cards
Climate change and tetrapod evolution
What is meant by the terms climat...,
Outline some of the sources of in...,
Outline changes in global tempera...
17  cards
reproductive modes and terrestriality
How does water still pose as a co...,
What are the three major clades o...,
Why are amphibians at greater ris...
11  cards
Senses can be categorised in the ...,
Outline why sensory infomation is...,
Outline how touch works
16  cards
Transitions between land and water
What is it that organisms use to ...,
Give some examples of aquatic tet...,
In the evolution of aquatic tetra...
23  cards
life history evolution
What is meant by life history,
Why is studying life history impo...,
What can understanding life histo...
19  cards
Tetrapod Brain Evolution
What do brains do,
Give some examples of organisms w...,
Outline why some species have evl...
7  cards

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tetrapod evolution

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