term 5: behavioral science

This class was created by Brainscape user Kathryn Kudlaty. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

5/26- Human Devo & Psychopathology
Broad organizational categories t...,
How to best learn normal behavior...,
What is development def
31  cards
5/26- Toddlerhood and Preschool Child: Attachment
Different types of emotions in te...,
Emotions present at birth,
What are primary emotions when do...
31  cards
5/28- Neurobiology of Attachment
Molecular mechanisms underlying m...,
In what region is da involved in ...,
In what region is oxytocin involv...
30  cards
6/1- School-aged Child
Different main temperament types ...,
Biological contributions to tempe...,
Neurological contributions to tem...
58  cards
6/1- Language Development
Communication def,
Language def,
Examples of nonverbal communication
61  cards
6/2- Familial & Extra-familial Influences on Development
Family def,
What percentage of households hav...,
Number of children in households ...
57  cards
6/4- Adolescent Personality Development
What is adolescence,
What percentage of adolescents go...,
Physical changes during adolescence
44  cards
6/8- Bullying
When does bullying peak in the us,
What is bullying,
What is cyberbullying
39  cards
6/8- Attention Disorders and Treatment
T f attention disorders are behav...,
What are attention problems disor...,
Impairments with attention disord...
42  cards
6/10- Psychosocial (Gender and Sexual Identity) Development
What is sex,
What is gender,
What is gender identity
47  cards
6/10- Neuroscience of Adolescence
Common disorders seen to arise in...,
Adolescent ___ is associated with...,
What are the primitive regions of...
34  cards
6/11- Antiviral Therapy
Options for the control of viral ...,
Potential targets for antiviral a...,
What is key for the treatment of ...
64  cards
6/11- Eating Disorders
Case 16 yo female with weight los...,
What percentage of people high sc...,
What percentage of people high sc...
43  cards
6/12- Cognitive Development
Current views on intelligence mul...,
T f the max iq score is 100,
Normal curve characteristics __ o...
40  cards
6/15- Young Adulthood
What age range roughly correspond...,
What are key themes characteristi...,
Developmental psychologies of you...
17  cards
6/16- Middle Adulthood
When does midlife begin,
What is a key physical part of mi...,
What changes occur in bones and j...
49  cards
6/17- Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders I (Alcohol)
What is substance intoxication,
What substances are lethal in int...,
What is tolerance
56  cards
6/17- Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders II
Sedatives hypnotics and anxiolyti...,
How is intoxication with sedative...,
How is withrdrawal from sedative ...
59  cards
6/18- Neurobiology of Addiction 3: Stimulants and Opiates
__ of physicians known to abuse d...,
Pharmacotherapy for opiates include,
Pharmacotherapy for alcohol include
28  cards
6/19- Alcohol/Substance Abuse 4:
What kind of drugs are used to tr...,
What treatments 3 are used to tre...,
What is the priming effect
30  cards
6/22- Emotions and Illness- Developmental Perspective
What is chronic illness,
___ million children under 18 suf...,
What is a common feature of child...
29  cards
What is the distinguishing featur...,
What is major notice of kids with...,
What is the most common cause of ...
11  cards
6/25- Late Adulthood
What are some physical changes oc...,
What are some cognitive changes o...,
What are some physical changes de...
36  cards
6/25- Autism and Developmental Disorders
What are the diagnostic criteria ...,
When are first symptoms of autism...,
What are broad subcategories of d...
28  cards

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term 5: behavioral science

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