This class was created by Brainscape user Susannah Bath. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Heart Failure
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
Left heart failure,
Right heart failure
12  cards
What is normal hb,
What is normal haematocrit,
What are the signs of anaemia
26  cards
Random cards
What disorder is associated with ...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What heart murmur would you expec...
35  cards
What antibiotic is first line for...,
What is pneumonia,
What is the most common causative...
13  cards
Irritable bowel
What initial investigations would...,
What are abdominal red flags,
What are the symptoms of ibs
16  cards
Bladder and prostate cancer
What can cause haematuria,
What do most patients with haemat...,
What investigations would you off...
20  cards
Acute kidney disease
How do you use serum creatinine t...,
What is the aki bundle,
What can hyperkalaemia be mistake...
24  cards
Where is calcitonin made,
What is purpose of calcitonin,
How can you treat hyperthyroidism
10  cards
Gi cards
Which part of the colon is most l...,
What are the features of mesenter...,
What are the features of ichaemic...
11  cards
Glomerular disease
How is glomerular disease subdivided,
What two bedside tests can be qui...,
What are some syndromes of glomer...
14  cards
Chronic Kidney disease
What is the most abundant protein...,
What blood pressure medication is...,
What is chronic kidney disease
18  cards
bowel cancer
What might you suspect in an elde...,
What are some symptoms of acute a...,
What are the six red flags for bo...
3  cards
What are the features of heredita...,
What are the symptoms of haemolyt...,
What tb medication can induce gout
28  cards
What should you ask women of chil...,
What anti emetics can be consider...,
What drugs can be used as prophyl...
15  cards
What should you ask people with n...,
What investigation must you do on...,
What could a cancerous node be
19  cards
What tests can screen for cushings,
What test can differentiate betwe...,
What test would be performed if p...
3  cards
transient loss of consciousness
What are some side effects of ant...,
What drug would you be most likel...,
Which aed does not interact with ...
3  cards
oesophagus disease
0  cards
Liver billiary and pancreas
Which to hepatides can cause cirr...,
What bilirubin conc causes jaundice,
What is kernicterus
33  cards

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tcd <3

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