This class was created by Brainscape user Maria Ouvarova. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Social Engineering
What is phishing,
What is a cyber attack method whe...,
54  cards
Types of Attack
Malicious software that encrypts ...
60  cards
Computing Architecture
3-second challenge
79  cards
1.3 Given a scenario, analyze potential indicators associated with application attacks
What is privilege escalation,
What term describes the process o...,
What is cross site scripting xss
46  cards
1.4 Given a scenario, analyze potential indicators associated with network attacks
What is wireless,
What term describes the transmiss...,
What is an evil twin
56  cards
1.5 Explain different threat actors, vectors, and intelligence sources
What are actors and threats,
What term describes the various e...,
What is an advanced persistent th...
94  cards
1.6 Explain the security concerns associated with various types of vulnerabilities.
What are cloudbased vs onpremises...,
What term describes security weak...,
What is a zeroday vulnerability
60  cards
1.7 Summarize the techniques used in security assessments
What is threat hunting,
What term describes the proactive...,
What is intelligence fusion
51  cards
1.8 Explain the techniques used in penetration testing
What is penetration testing,
What term describes the proactive...,
What is a known environment in pe...
44  cards
2.1 Explain the importance of security concepts in an enterprise environment
What is configuration management ...,
What term describes the process o...,
What are diagrams in enterprise s...
56  cards

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