This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie Bennion. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Did homer write his books,
Who abducted queen helen,
Who was helen s husband
18  cards
first aid
How many people suffer from a hea...,
Road traffic accidents are in the...,
How many people die in europe fro...
30  cards
first aid (Unit 2)
What does the heart do,
What three ways does blood travel,
What is the point of the heart
42  cards
What s a coordinate plane,
What is the horizontal line,
What s the origin
19  cards
Why did the holy roman empire split,
What were the three roots of medi...,
Why was it difficult to have cent...
34  cards
Pure substance,
55  cards
First For Shock
You should have a what type of s s,
What is the clinical set of s s,
What are the two main body organs
8  cards
history again
Why d the roman empire split,
What were the three roots of medi...,
Why was it difficult to have cent...
10  cards
Shock - First Aid
What is shock,
Tof shock is not a medical emergency,
What can cause shock
15  cards
Odysseus Test
What s an epithet,
What s an example of an epithet,
What s an archetype
43  cards
Tiny/shorter Odysseus Study Guide
What s an epic poem,
What is dramatic irony,
What s an epithet
24  cards
Chemistry Test (Unit 3).
What is the sum of protons and ne...,
What two subatomic particles are ...,
How many protons does carbon 13 have
14  cards
Which two ancient societies refer...,
Why did england become protestant,
The medici family were patrons
10  cards
Backwards e,
Backwards c aa j
10  cards
What is the outside of a hair called,
What is above the cuticle,
What is above the cortex
22  cards
chemistry quiz
What are metals,
What are non metals,
What are metalloids
37  cards
(re-do) chemistry quiz
Who made the periodic table,
Who s thefather of the modern per...,
What direction do groups go on th...
5  cards
Classification of Burns
What are six types of burns,
What causes a scald,
What causes friction
51  cards
bio retake
How many spaces would there be if...,
What biological sample does not c...,
What kind of group is not a part ...
15  cards
heart test
What part of the heart delivers d...,
Tof the mitral valve is located o...,
What part of the heart delivers r...
20  cards
heart memorization
What is the 1st part blood goes t...,
What is the 3rd part blood goes t...
12  cards
ela final (test)
Whats a setting in a story,
What does a setting show in a story,
What is characterization
12  cards
first aid (Final)
What are the first two things to ...,
____ the scene then _____ the person,
Should you talk to someone before...
15  cards
Biomed (FINAL)
Ridge pattern,
Fingerprint minutiae,
Reason for plasma
33  cards
spanish final
I in spanish,
You in spanish,
He she in spanish
24  cards
spanish (test)
Si sienta,
Se levanta,
Se va
25  cards
10  cards
history oop
A policy of conquering and ruling...,
What was not a major cause of imp...,
What were some major causes of im...
35  cards
ELA Test
What is dramatic irony,
What is situational irony,
What is man v man conflict
17  cards
ELA Test (Only examples)
A man is unaware that a killer is...,
Ray and taylor argued this morning
17  cards
What are the seven parts of a mal...,
What are the five parts of a fema...,
Where is the scrotum located male...
13  cards
history test
Germany s new democratic governme...,
A government that takes total con...,
Giving in to an aggressor to keep...
11  cards

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