structure, function and analysis of proteins

This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Lowrie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

SFP8: Substrate Binding Of Enzymes
What is the active site of an enzyme,
What is pauling 1946 model of sub...,
What does the rest of an enzyme d...
21  cards
SFP2: Protein Structure
Name three functional roles of pr...,
What is the human proteome,
What is protein molecular weight ...
25  cards
SFP3: Protein Purification
What is protein purification,
Why do we need protein purification,
What is most common way to purify...
15  cards
SFP4: Protein Gel Electrophoresis And Western Blotting
Name two methods for assessing pr...,
How does column chromatography pr...,
How does gel electrophoresis asse...
14  cards
SFP5: Protein Characterisation And Primary Structure Determination
Are native or denatured molecular...,
Can subunits be determined with n...,
Name four methods of molecular we...
13  cards
SFP6: Theory Of Enzyme Catalysis
What is an enzyme,
What is a catalyst,
What is the reaction rate equation
28  cards
SFP7: Enzyme Kinetics
Does an enzyme affect the kinetic...,
What is v0,
Name the method of analysing the ...
17  cards
SFP9: Regulation Of Enzyme Activity
What are the slow enzyme regulato...,
What are fast enzyme regulatory s...,
What regulatory strategies are gr...
14  cards
SFP10: Protein Structure And Organisation
Name 3 different ways of visualis...,
Why study protein structure,
Approx how many families of prote...
10  cards
SFP11: Protein Structure Determination (not Finished)
What is circular dichroism,
What is fourier transform infrare...,
How does ftir reveal protein seco...
14  cards
SFP12: Protein Structure Prediction
What protein database is manually...,
What protein database is automati...,
What is the blast in protein data...
18  cards
SFP13: Structural Proteins
What are general characteristics ...,
Name some extracellular structura...,
Name cellular structural proteins
43  cards
SFP14: Membranes And Membrane Proteins
What are two pharmaceutical impor...,
What do beta adrenergic receptors...,
What is the importance of cftr cy...
24  cards
SFP15: Experimental Analysis Of Membrane Proteins
Name the processes in studying me...,
Name 3 examples of high natural s...,
What is heterologous protein expr...
29  cards
SFP16: Membrane Proteins
What do we mean by resolution,
What would a high resolution 1 2a...,
What would a medium resolution 3 ...
9  cards
SFP18: Protein DNA Interactions And RNA Complexes
Do repressors and activators bind...,
What is eukaryotic transcription ...,
What can initial binding of trans...
45  cards
SFP20: Proteins As Research Tools
What is an antibody,
What is an antigen,
On an sds page of an antigen what...
15  cards
SFP21: Methods To Study Protein-protein Interactions
Name 3 methods to identify protei...,
What is lc ms ms
2  cards

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structure, function and analysis of proteins

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